Home > Obituaries > 125 Years Ago

In the Greensboro Watchman Dec. 31, 1896 

It is sad indeed to chronicle the death of little Willie True which occurred in the Evans neighborhood on the 18th inst. Willie was a brith, interesting boy and the idol of his parents. We deeply sympathize with the bereaved in this their sad affliction.

The Greensboro Fire Company was out for practice last Tuesday night. The boys did some splendid and quick work in throwing water on buildings from the fire plugs.

Mr. Walter Burton has purchased from Mr. W.W. Powers a lot 100 feet front by 150 back immediately east of Mr. Powers’ residence in Greensboro. Mr. Burton will reside here in the future.

There is some talk of electric lights for Greensboro. An electric plant, we believe, would be a paying investment in this town. It’s only a question of time when we will have these lights. And by the way, by a recent decision of the United States Supreme Court it was declared that the patent on the Bell telephone has expired in the United States, which in fact makes telephones very cheap. Why can’t some of our enterprising citizens take the matter in hand and get up a telephone exchange?


Joe Freeman undertook to drive his mule hitched to a wagon across Caldwell creek on the Bates Mill road about a mile north of town, one day recently, and got his mule drowned and came near drowned himself. That is a very dangerous place when the creek is up. The county should put a bridge there. The people living on the other side of the creek have a right to demand it. 

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