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In the Greensboro Watchman Jan. 12, 1922

Mr. Hill Terry, Jr., of Beat No. 10, left a sample of his ribbon cane syrup at The Watchman office a few days ago. The quality is most excellent. He has several gallons on hand. 

FROM FAR AWAY INDIA—The Greensboro friends of Sam Neville, who is in the U.S. Navy, will read the following letter to his Greensboro homefolks with Interest: 

Calcutta, India, Feb. 2, 1922 

Dearest Homefolks: 


Arrived here safely after six days from Singapore. Had a very pleasant trip all the way. Came up the Ganges about 75 miles and turned off up the Hoogly to Calcutta. Calcutta is a beautiful city of some million and a half population. I went through the museum, the zoological gardens and the Victoria Memorial which is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen, being built entirely of polished marble.

The weather is real cool here at night, but the days are warm. 

We leave in a couple of days—for where, I don’t know—maybe back to Madras or Colombo. We know we are going to Suez and Port Said, then maybe Alexandria, Marseilles, Barcelona, or Havana, and then into New Orleans. Guess we will be back some time in April.

Don’t worry as I am well and having a fine time. Tell Annie C. that I have a beautiful opal for her that I bought in Singapore.

With love, S.F.N. 

Judge W.C. Christian and Hon. A. Tunstall are announced in today’s paper to succeed themselves as members of the Legislature from Hale. We have heard of no probable opposition to these gentlemen. No entity in Alabama will be more ably or conscientiously represented in the legislative halls than Hale.

One of the most attractive parties of the season was given by Mrs. Thos. Knight, Sr., on last Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Fred Nelson and Mrs. Louise Grimke. As this was St. Patrick’s day Mrs. Knight’s decorations were green and white and every detail of this lovely party conformed to this pretty color scheme. The house was profusely and artistically decorated with green foliage and white flowers. 

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