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Extension Office news you can use


By: Jovita Lewis, Hale County Extension Coordinator 

Growers Permits: Hale County is home to seven farmers, who have obtained their growers permits for 2022. These seven farmers not only sell produce, but put their blood, sweat and tears into growing some of the most colorful, best tasting, most nutritious produce ever. Why obtain a growers permit, you might ask? A growers permit allows farmers to sell raw produce, such as fruits, vegetables and eggs, tax-free and feefree. These local farmers do not have to obtain licenses in multiple counties to sell goods in multiple counties. In addition, the growers permit allows farmers to sell their goods at any location within the state under one license. The Hale County Extension Office wants to extend best wishes to the following growers who are currently gearing up for the planting and growing season: Mr. Wayne Whitfield, Mrs. Krystal Harbin, Mr. Thomas Moore, Mr. Ernest Williams, Mrs. Janice Clary, Mrs. Jessica Knight, and Mr. Frank Hunter. Any grower, who plans to sell “their wares”, should visit the Hale County Extension Office to obtain a growers permit. Bring along one valid form of identification, such as a drivers’ license, in order to complete the required paperwork.

Teen Cuisine Encore Graduates: Hats off to the 4-H Cooking Club at Hale County High School for their completion of Teen Cuisine Encore. Under the direction of Ms. Willie Braggs, EFNEP Nutrition Educator, and Mrs. Misty Potter, teacher, 15 high school students completed the series of six lessons, including pre and post assessments. Teen Cuisine Encore is an evidenced-based cooking and nutrition education curriculum that helps students make healthy food choices and be more physically active. Graduates were awarded certificates of completion as well as lesson reinforcements at series end.

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