Michael Elliot Combs

Michael Elliot Combsdied April 10 at the age of He was born March 11,1951 to Marion ElliotCombs and Dorothy FikesCombs. He worked as awelder at Linden Lumber.He was preceded indeath by his parents. He issurvived by his daughterConnie Roberts Reid (Jeff)of Quitman, MS; his sonsJustin E. Combs ofSawyerville, AL and ChrisCombs of Chatom, AL; hissister...
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GPD arrests two for DUI, warns about fake card scanners

Greensboro Police Department announced the following arrests resultingfrom the department’s recent activities: 4/1/22Verges M. Thomas, 56,was arrested for D.U.I.4/11/22Russell H. Murphy, 35,was arrested for D.U.I.Greensboro Police ChiefMichael Hamilton alsomade the following publicservice announcement: “Scammers are attachingfalse cared readers to thereal card readers at fuelpumps and inside stores.When using your card, bevery careful and check thecard reader if...
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The Alabama Silverbacks, a new semi-pro football team based in Greensboro, features players from Hale, Perry

The Alabama Silverbacks, a new semi-pro football team based inGreensboro, will have theirnext game at home againstthe Alabama Chargers onSaturday, April 23 inGreensboro. Home gamesare being played at theGreensboro High Schoolfootball field.The team’s last game,against the Birmingham-based Alabama Steel, sawthe Silverbacks come upshort. The final score in thatcontest was 30-16. Thereare two more regular seasongames...
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Legal Notices Week of March 31, 2022

LEGAL NOTICETHE CITY OF GREENSBORO PROJECT SPECIFICATION BID SHEET ADVERTISEMENT DATE: MARCH 29, 2022 REQUEST FOR BID (GLASS DOORS AND TRANSACTION WINDOWS)The City of Greensboro is requesting bids for the following Covid-19 Project Work:1. Removal of 2 Existing Exterior Windowsa. Installations of 2 Window Transaction Boxes with Drop Boxb. Installation of 2 Bullet Proof Glass...
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Statewide Ala-Scan Classifieds

SERVICESSELLING a RV, Tractor orGolf Cart? ADVERTISESTATEWIDE or by region inover 100 Newspapers, reaching over 1 million readerseach week! Run your ad inour Classified Network forjust $210 per week! Makeone call to this newspaper(participating Ala-SCANnewspaper) or call 1-800-264-7043 to find out howeasy it is to advertisestatewide!BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONEDAY! Affordable...
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Billy Wayne Creel

Billy Wayne Creel, age56, of Marion, Alabamapassed away on Sunday,April 3, 2022. He is preceded in death by his father,Willie Frank Creel. He issurvived by his two daughters, Haylee Creel andKatie Creel; one brother,Terry Lane Creel (Sandy);one sister, Tina DeniseElam (Gary) and hismother, Doris HolifieldCreel.Visitation was held onThursday, April 7, 2022from 10 AM – 11...
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Eugene ‘Randy’ Lewis

Randall “Randy” EugeneLewis, of Moundville,gained his heavenly wingson April 15 at DCH Regional Medical Center aftera brief illness. He was 74.Graveside services willbe held at Oak Hill Cemetery in Moundville, on Saturday, April 23, at 2:00 p.m.Visitation will be at 1:30p.m. Feel free to bring achair and tell a “ Randy”story, if you wish. Classmate...
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