Hale County Hospital’s Hospital Corner
By Abby Lecates, Johanna Mercurio, and Maggie Rosenthal This past Friday, employees from Hale County Hospital were busy tabling at Hale County College and Career Academy’s annual Health Fair. Among the employees present at the fair were hospital CEO Shay Cherry, Clinical Nurse Manager Daphne Travis, and head of Infection Control Tracy Fondren. At the... Read More
Willie Lewis Brownlow
Willie Lewis Brownlow of Greensboro died April 14 at the age of 67. He was born in Greensboro on Oct. 15, 1954. He graduated from Hale County Training School in 1974, after which he began his trade as a brake specialist with Demopolis Tire in Demopolis, where he worked for 30 years. He had a... Read More
The Voice of the ‘Ville
This past week has been rough! Losing my brother, Randy Lewis, as well as my only sibling, I want to THANK everyone for your words of sympathy and encouragement! To the ladies who served our family lunch, before the Memorial service, cards, letters, and the kind words about my sweet, caring and funny brother. All... Read More
Artist Jason Irvin finds inspiration in the Black Belt
Artist and Black Belt native Jason Irvin has been busy. Followers of his social media accounts will see that the painter and sketch artist has been producing art relentlessly in recent months, and he’s wasted no time in putting that art out into the world. This past weekend, Irvin traveled to Oxford, Mississippi along with... Read More
University of Alabama Huntsville Tech Trek 2022 Member Acceptance
Hayden Wright, a seventh grader at Greensboro Middle School, has been accepted into the University of Alabama Huntsville Tech Trek 2022 summer program. The program is highly competitive and is geared toward increasing the number of women entering STEM-related majors and careers.
Phi Kappa Phi inducts Camden Tucker of Moundville at UWA
Camden Tucker of Moundville, Alabama, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Tucker was initiated at University of West Alabama. Tucker is among approximately 25,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. Membership... Read More
Sheriff responds to harassment, domestic calls
Hale County Sheriff’s Department released the following report on its activities in the past week. 4-18-22 Harassing communication was reported on Highway 25 near Greensboro. 4-19-22 Harassing communication was reported on Riverview Beach Rd. near Moundville. 4-22-22 Harassment was reported on Harper Hill Rd. near Moundville. 4-24-22 Third-degree domestic violence was reported on Rosemary Rd.... Read More
National Day of Prayer observance is May 5 at Hale County Courthouse
This year’s local National Day of Prayer is scheduled for Thursday May, 5th at 12:00 noon and will be taking place on the Hale County Courthouse steps in Greensboro. This year’s theme is “Exalt the Lord who has established us!” from Colossians 2:6-7. This annual observance is sponsored by the Greensboro Ministerial Association and by... Read More
Eugene Agee Moore
Mr. Eugene Agee “Gene” Moore, Jr., age 84, a resident of Cypress Landing, N.C. died Saturday, April 23, 2022, at his home. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, April 29, 2022, at Mother of Mercy Catholic Church in Washington, N.C. Mr. Moore was born in Greensboro, Alabama on August 1, 1937.... Read More
G.B. Woods
G.B. Woods of Newbern (center), who owned Newbern Mercantile Co. for decades, died this week. Woods is pictured above with his sisters Jean Woods Watson (left) and Sydney Woods Chasteen (right). In lieu of a funeral, the family will hold a visitation at the Chasteen home, 114 Live Oak Ln. in Newbern, on Saturday, April... Read More