Home > News > Greensboro First Methodist plans bicentennial homecoming celebration Sunday, June 11

Greensboro First Methodist plans bicentennial homecoming celebration Sunday, June 11


In 1823, in a reception room of The Planters Inn, a Methodist society was formed with a group of six believers. Their genuine faith continues two centuries later in what grew to become First Methodist Church of Greensboro. A Bicentennial “Homecoming” is planned for June 11, 2023 in conjunction with the Greensboro Bicentennial Tour of Homes celebrating the city’s incorporation in 1823.

We will begin our celebration with a reception in the fellowship hall during the Sunday School hour 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Former pastor Rev. John King will be our guest speaker during the worship service. This special day will be a time to rejoice with those who have been a part of our church body in the past. All friends and former members are invited to attend.

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