Home > News > Council approves alcohol license transfer for new Chevron owners, closes street for Birding Festival

Council approves alcohol license transfer for new Chevron owners, closes street for Birding Festival


Greensboro City Council met Tuesday night, July 11 for its first regular meeting of the month. The meeting had a short agenda, with no old business to come before the council and little to report from the city’s department heads. The council reviewed an ABC license application from Diamond Jack 2023, Inc., an entity which has become the new owner of Greensboro’s two Chevron stations, one located on Demopolis Street and one on State Street. They had applied for offpremises beer and wine licenses for both locations in light of the change in ownership.

City Clerk Lorrie Cook said Police Chief Willie Lewis had completed a background check and that everything checked out. Councilmember Curtis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Lewis, to accept the application. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Tim Higgins was in attendance on behalf of the Alabama Audubon Society, which has planned its Third Annual Black Belt Birding Festival for August 4 and 5 in Greensboro. Higgins said organizers had discussed plans for the festival and, since a food truck was slated to be in attendance, they hoped to ask the city to close Market Street during the Friday night, Aug. 4, portion of the festival for safety. Higgins said the event that night would run from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., and that closing the street an hour before would allow time to set up beforehand.

Curtis made a motion, seconded by Lewis, to allow the street closure during the requested hours. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


During the public comment portion of the meeting, Councilmember Shepherd mentioned a site in her district that needed cleaning up. Councilmembers Bragg and Kyser said they had nothing in particular to report. Lewis thanked the Greensboro Police Department for dealing with a fight in her district the week of the July 4 holiday. “They came and resolved the issue,” she said.

Curtis said the Baptist Hill reunion in her district had been a great success and thanked everyone who supported that event. She reminded citizens to stay safe in light of the increasing heat and the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, and to check on elderly citizens in town.

Streets and sanitation superintendent Aaron Evans said the city’s crews had been doing their best to keep up with the workload in recent weeks. The heat and rain have made it difficult, though, he said. “That heat out there is dynamite,” he said. “We’ve got to look out for the safety of those men.”

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