Remember your family members and loved ones by contributing to the maintenance and upkeep of Pleasant Valley cemetery. Send your donations to: Pleasant Valley Cemetery Fund, c/o Ren Kynard, 1605 Water Oak Rd., Greensboro.
Classified Ad Rates MINIMUM RATE (In Hale or Perry County)$20.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20 are 75¢ per word. Payable in advance of publication. MINIMUM RATE (Outside Hale or Perry County)$20.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20 are 95¢ per word. Payable in advance of publication. Card of Thanks, Birthday Greetings, Memoriams, and PoemsStandard size (2 column-inches by 2 inches or 1 column-inch by 4 inches) —... Read More
Ever received a suspicious or confusing call or text, particularly during tax season? Scammers use this and other schemes to trick people into providing sensitive information. It is essential to know how to recognize these scams, no matter what scheme is used. March 2-8, 2025, is National Consumer Protection Week. This annual event brings awareness to scams and frauds and provides information on how to protect against them. Portia Johnson, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System financial resource management specialist, said... Read More
The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) asks for the help of Alabamians to assess the health needs of women of childbearing age, infants, children, and youth in the state. One way the public can assist is by participating in an anonymous online survey that is to be completed by families, youth, and healthcare providers. Other ways ADPH is collecting information are through focus groups, key informant interviews, and listening sessions hosted around the state by the UAB School of... Read More
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMAIN RE: THE MATTER OF AKERS, EMMALYN ROSE (DOB: 12/02/2018) CASE NO. JU-2022-44.02andAKERS, CASSIE ANN (DOB: 11/08/2019) CASE NO. JU-2022-43.02 a minor child. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PATERNAL RIGHTS TO: Ami Lee Von Brethorst, a/k/a Ami Lee Vonbrethorst, mother of said children, and Jamie William Akers, father of said children You are hereby given notice that petitions have been filed by the Hale County Department of Human Resources requesting... Read More
A Faunsdale man is facing a slew of charges after allegedly breaking a woman’s car windows and then attempting to elude police. D’Angelo O’Neal Battle was arrested by Billy Jones of the Perry County Sheriff’s Department and charged with numerous crimes on Monday, March 3rd. All charges stem from a series of events that took place at a residence on March 1st. Prosecutors allege that on that day Battle shattered one of the windows of a victim’s car and went... Read More