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50 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 30, 1972


Tuesday, April 4, will be
an important date for Alabama soybean growers to
circle on their calendars. On
this date, soybean growers
will hold a referendum
among themselves to decide
an a one-half cent per
bushel check-off program.
The funds will be used for
market development, research, educational activities, advertising, and other
promotional programs for
soybeans and soybean products.
Surface drainage ditches
are being constructed on the
Judge Green Farm at Lock
Five by Sykes Martin, the
present owner, and Tom
Pifer, the operator. Numerous wet ares on nearly level
cropland will be drained by
several shallow ditches.
Ditches of this type remove
mainly excess surface
Private Arble J. Armstrong, 19, son of Mr. And
Mrs. John Armstrong, Rt. 1,
Moundville, recently completed eight weeks of basic
training at the U.S. Army
Training Center, Infantry,
Fort Polk.
Private Armstrong received instruction in drill
and ceremonies, weapons,
map reading, combat tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and
Army history and traditions.
The Greensboro Seventh
Grade 4-H Club met on
March 22. Abby Singleton
called the meeting to order.
A song, “America,” was led
by Patricia Johnson and
Brenda Jackson. Kathy
Causey led in the pledges to
the 4-H and U.S. Flag.
Miss Amanda Williams,
the chairman, told about the
public speaking contest
which will be held in the
April 4-H meeting. She also
told why each should give a
speech and then gave the
topics. The group learned
how to make speeches and
how to decide on a main
idea. The meeting was adjourned until April 27. —
Virginia Jackson, Reporter.
Judy Mitchell, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Linden
Mitchell of Greensboro,
walked away with top honors in the annual March of
Dimes beauty contest held
in the Greensboro Public
School, West, auditorium
Saturday night. A 10th
Grade student at GPS, West,
she was crowned “Miss
March of Dimes 1972” by
her predecessor, Miss Joy
May of Sawyerville, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Albert
Y. May.
The Scribblers Club met
on March 8 at the home of
Sara Sledge with Anna
Lynn Williams as co-hostess. After delicious refreshments were enjoyed,
President Jenny Tutwiler
called the meeting to order.
Sara Sledge gave the devotion, after which the pledge
and motto were recited.
Donna Phillips gave the
program on Victor Hugo.
Mary Ellen Cole, secretary,
called the roll and read the
Mr. and Mrs. David Sidney Woods of Newbern announce the engagement of
their daughter, Sydney, to
Richard Allen Chasteen,
son of Mrs. Andrew Jackson Chasteen and the late
Mr. Chasteen of Birmingham. The bride-elect is the
granddaughter of Gilham
Brooks Morgan and the late
Mrs. Morgan of Pine Hill,
and Mrs. George Sidney
Woods and the late Mr.
Woods of Newbern. She is
a graduate of Southern
Academy in Greensboro
and attends Samford University in Birmingham.
Mr. Chasteen is the
grandson of Mrs. Robert
Swan Blair and the late Mr.
Blair, and Mrs. Evans S.
Chasteen and the late Mr.
Chasteen of Clanton. He attends Samford University in
Birmingham. The wedding
will be an event of June 15
at the Baptist Church in

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