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75 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 27, 1947


Military funeral services
for Captain Houel James
Fagan, Infantry, Army of the
United States, who died on
Thursday, March 13, at Fort
Belvoir Regional Hospital,
following a brief illness,
were held at 2:00 p.m.,
Tuesday, March 18, at Ft.
Meyer Chapel, Ft. Meyer,
Besides his wife, Mrs.
Gertrude Edgar Fagan, and
son, Richard L., both of
Lansdale, Pa., Captain
Fagan is survived by his father, Albert A. Fagan, Sr. of
Newborn, Ala., and a
brother, Albert A. Jr., of Arlington, Va.
The Rev. Mabry Rhodes,
pastor of the Greensboro
Baptist Church, is assisting
the Demopolis Baptist
Church this week in an Inside Enlargement Campaign. Each night the book,
“The Church Using Its Sunday School,” is being taught.
An effort will be made to
contact all members of the
Demopoils church to enlist
them in an active Sunday
school campaign.
W.J. Terry was reappointed as superintendent of
schools for Hale County for
a term of four years by the
Board of Education at a
meeting on Tuesday morning of this week. Mr. Terry,
a native of Hale County,
served as superintendent in
Morgan County before coming back here in 1943. At the
same time, the following
were again chosen as principals of the county’s three
main schools, to serve during the 1947-48 school year:
Akron High and Elementary
Schools, W.C. DuBose,
principal; Greensboro High
and Elementary Schools,
William H. Jenkins, principal; Hale County High and
Moundville Elementary
Schools, W.N. McKathan,
More than 150 Greensboro householders have paid
$1.50 each for the privileges
of participating in the DDT
spraying program planned
here during May by the
Young Men’s Civic Club
and the Rotary Club.
Little short of tragic was
the fire which destroyed
Buck Washburn’s nice brick
home on Centreville Street,
hardly five blocks from the
Courthouse, late Saturday
afternoon—and this fire has
caused a great deal of comment, some of which hasn’t
been very nice. The fire,
which was limited to the
kitchen when discovered,
should have been put out
with a loss of only a few
hundred dollars. As it was,
the entire house went up in
The blame for this loss
has been tossed about in various directions, but there
was one simple, basic reason
for it—that is, inadequate
fire protection—and nobody
can be blamed for inadequate fire protection except
the people of Greensboro as
a whole. The people of
Greensboro have received,
in the matter of fire protection, what they demanded,
and what they were willing
to pay for, and it will be the
same way in the future.
The Hale County Home
Demonstration Clubs were
represented at the
Stewart Community meeting on March 19th by the
following women: Mrs. Hal
Knight, President County
Council; Mrs. Jim Burke,
Secretary for County Council; Mrs. Joe Barton, Treasurer County Council; Mrs.
Cecil Whaley, President Mt.
Hebron Home Demonstration Club; Mrs. G.W. Yeager, Sec. & Treas. Mt.
Hebron H.D.C.; Mrs. Fred
Livingston, Mt. Hebron
Club. At this meeting the
Stewart Community was
awarded the first prize of
$500.00 for showing the
most progress in District III
relative to the improvement
in yield and quality of the
cotton crop.

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