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125 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 25, 1897


TRIBUTE OF RESPECT: Whereas, it has
pleased Almighty God in
his inscrutable wisdom to
remove from this vale of
tears our brother, A.B.
Drake; therefore be it resolved by this Lodge—1st.
That in the loss of our esteemed brother Pythianism
has suffered the loss of a
most valiant champion of
all of its most noble tenets,
and the members of this
lodge have sustained the
loss of a valuable friend. 2nd. That the Castle Hall be
draped in mourning and the
members wear the usual
badge for 30 days. 3rd. That
we render to the bereaved
relatives our sincerest sympathy. 4th. That these resolution be spread upon the
minutes of the lodge, a copy
thereof furnished to the
family of our brother, and
published in the Greensboro
papers. Respectfully submitted, W.E.W. Yerby, E.L.
Brown, J.P. Corley, committee.
The next step Greensboro should take in the way
of advancement should be
the establishment of a sewerage system. The use of the
water from the water works
makes this an absolute necessity.
Mr. T.J. Yancey, who
lives seven miles east of
Greensboro, tells us that a
tornado passed near his
home last Friday morning.
Its path was about fifty
yards wide. A church was
blown down, and trees were
twisted down in great numbers.
DIED—Mr. Wilkes
Hanna of Scott’s Station,
died at the residence of his
mother, Mrs. Orlean Hanus,
in Greensboro on the
evening of the 20th inst,
aged about 25 years.

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