Annie Louise Mayes Rollins

Annie Louise Mayes Rollins of Marion died Nov. 15 at the age of 85. Visitation was held Saturday, Nov. 19 at Ashley’s Lee and Rollins Funeral Home in Marion. Funeral services were held Sunday at the funeral home chapel. Burial followed at Pinecrest Cemetery in Marion.

Serinty Green of Greensboro

Serinty Green of Greensboro died Nov. 16 at the age of eight months. She was born March 12, 2022. She was the daughter of Marcus Green and LoBresha Pope. Graveside services were held Wednesday, Nov. 23 at the Dayton Cemetery in Dayton. Phillip White’s Julia L. White Funeral home directed.

Local students attended Alabama Youth Leadership Conference Nov. 14-15

Ninety-six high school freshmen and sophomores from across the state gathered at the Alabama 4-H Center in Columbiana Nov. 14-15 for the Alabama Farmers Federation Youth Leadership Conference. Students enjoyed teambuilding activities and outdoor recreation while hearing from Mike Lutzenkirchen of the Lutzie 43 Foundation and participating in leadership workshops facilitated by high-energy, high-impact trainer...
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Library in Greensboro will host pop-up museum

In conjunction with other upcoming holliday events in Greensboro, the Hale County Library will host a Pop Up Museum on Friday Dec 9, 10-4pm and Sunday Dec 11, 11-4pm. The museum will feature dolls through the ages. Everyone will enjoy the exhibit, so please bring the whole family. Cookies and punch will be provided.