Home > News > Tour of Greensboro Cemetery, part of ongoing bicentennial celebration, will be Nov. 12

Tour of Greensboro Cemetery, part of ongoing bicentennial celebration, will be Nov. 12


As part of the Greensboro Bicentennial Celebration, Greensboro Cemetery and Greensboro Area Business and Tourism Association will host a historic tour of the cemetery on Sunday, November 12th from 2- 3pm. Greensboro historian Nicholas Cobbs will share biographies and stories of some of Greensboro’s most notable residents laid to rest there.

“Because of his extensive knowledge of Greensboro’s history and knack for storytelling, many have wanted Mr Cobbs to do a walking tour of Greensboro Cemetery for years. This is a real treat for everyone,” said GABTA president Buzzy Barnette.

Admission to the tour is free but donations to Greensboro Cemetery will be accepted to help with grounds keeping. There will be light walking in the tour and no places for people to sit.

Please park in front of the cemetery on State Street and walk to the location where the tour will begin. For any questions please call Buzzy Barnette at (334) 624-8741 In the event of rain, the tour will be postponed until early spring of next year.


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