Home > News > ‘Shrove Tuesday’ pancake supper will be March 4 at St. Paul’s

‘Shrove Tuesday’ pancake supper will be March 4 at St. Paul’s


The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be 5:30 to 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 4 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall.

Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of the 40-day Lenten fasting period. The British custom dates to the 16th century when the faithful were forbidden to eat meat, eggs, butter, or milk during Lent. The families needed to use up such rich foods such as eggs, butter, sugar, and milk so it would not spoil during the season which ends on Easter Sunday.

The community is invited to join us. The suggested donation is $5.00 per person or $15.00 for a family of 4 or more.

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