Along with the Town of Akron, the Hale County Extension Office in Greensboro recently announced the grand opening of the Hale County Community Health and Wellness Station. State and local partners have collaborated to increase access to high quality and affordable health and wellness care in rural Hale County. Key partners include Auburn University, the University of West Alabama, the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, the Town of Akron, and the Hale County Commission.
Features of the Hale County Community Health and Wellness Station include:
Telehealth Station: The telehealth station provides users with an affordable, private, and efficient experience by facilitating a realtime patient encounter with an Alabama licensed clinician, in a virtual setting, using diagnostic tools available for practitioner-guided self-use.
Community-Based Employee: An employee from the local community will be hired to promote the Hale County Community Health and Wellness Station.
Health Ambassadors: Key people from the community will be afforded an opportunity to volunteer and serve the community as health ambassadors.
Educational Programming: On-going, hands-on wellness activities and education will be provided by Extension professionals as well as University faculty and students.
The grand opening of the facility was held on Saturday, January 18th at Akron Public Library, which included a reception, extension programming, and a tour of the new facility.