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Voice of the Ville

Voice of the Ville

HCHS Majorettes attended the OBOP (Our Boots Our Batons Our Purpose) for the Crimsonettes fundraiser, on August 3rd, along with Miranda Pierce and Carley Babb, Majorette Coaches. The majorettes placed 1st in the group division, Emma Floyd and Hannah King placed 1st in the duet division and Presley Miller did her very first EVER solo. Congrats ladies!

Hale County High School HOMECOMING IS OCTOBER 18th. Honored C l a s s e s 1944,54,64,74,84,94,2004, 2014. Most all invitations are done by email now. If you have changed addresses in last 10 years or name change, please Send info to Debra Neill…dneill@halek12.org Please put in the SUBJECT line Class of ——.

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Baleigh Shinholster and Jackson House, who were married on August 6, 2024. Baleigh is the daughter of Stanley & Misty Shinholster of Moundville. Jackson is the son of Tim House and Nikki Farmer of Tuscaloosa. The couple will make their home in Moundville.

Dani Pierce got to visit, last Saturday, with life long friend, Carlee Spellman and her little boy, Teddy, of Gulf Shores, Al., while she was visiting family here.


Please remember in prayer, the family and friends of John “Johnny” Wallace Elliott, Jr., Misty Stevenson Hartley, who passed away recently.

In loving memory on their birthday:

Aug. 18th…Marvin “Jug” Jenkins, Richard “Buster” Lewis, 19th…Jean Jenkins, Pauline Mills, Pete Jenkins, Billy West

Happy Anniversary:
Aug. 16th…Berry & Margaret Johnson
17th…Jim & Regena Colburn Jones
18th…Terry & Donna Montz Tubbs
20th…David & Elizabeth Avery, Allen & Sheryl Tubbs

Belated: Aug. 12th Amy Johnson
Celebrating this week:
Aug. 15th…Levi Babb, Tommy Muckenfuss, Chris Mills, Darrell Stewart, Terry Tubbs
16th…Miranda Holcomb Skelton
18th…Lakenya VanHorn, Patti Payne Meyerdick, Anna Marie Cain, Laura McKemie, Sarah Neill Mitchell, Jamie Taylor, Braxton Taylor
19th…Tauna Clary-Kemp, Nancy Lewis Banjanin, Phil Langford, James Clary, Jami Rainey, Caleigh Bates Waddell
20th…Baleigh Walters, Ruth Lafoy, Kim Gibbs, Martha Stacy Welshans, Nick Mills, Jeff Lee, Pam Watkins
21st…Jeremy Bolton, Summer Stephens, Patricia Wiggins Crawford

That’s all for this week,

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