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Legal Notices Week of Mar 14, 2024


Legal Notice

APPLICATION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Waterworks and Sewer Board of the City of Union-town will hold a public hearing on April 2, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the City of Uniontown Town Hall Basement to discuss the Board’s submission of an application for the Fiscal Year 2023 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Application. The board is interested in obtaining all citizens’ input on community development needs within the county. As part of the hearing process, citizens will be asked to verbally assist in the completion of a Needs Assessment document. The document will detail what the residents feel are the strengths and weaknesses of the community. The Board needs as much local participation as possible in order to reflect the true desires of the community as a whole, as well as the comments relating to the proposed project application. The State has established a maximum application request for each funding category. Activities that are eligible for funding include the improvement of public works. No displacement of persons will be proposed. The Board is proposing as its first priority to drill a new well, provide emergency backup generators for both wells and replace the existing radio read meters with smart meters. The second priority is to install a VFD and pressure sensor in the James Avenue water tank. Additionally, installing an additional water tank for storage and removing the City Hall water tank. The third priority is to provide inspection and maintenance for Well #7. The fourth priority is to evaluate and be able to control the water systems operation with the use of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). The last priority is to replace 3,363 linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron main that has lead joints on Water Avenue. This will eliminate the known leaks as well as eliminate the known lead within the system. The area to be addressed is within the city limits of Uniontown distributing water throughout the city and to Linden. The total project cost is estimated at$5,911,306.00. All citizens, including those in the targeted area, are encouraged to attend in order to comment on the proposed activities. For more information, or if you require special accommodation at the hearing, contact TerryJackson @ (334) 312-4183.2-29-4c

Legal Notice

Notice to the Creditors of the estate of Martha Anderson Lecroy, Deceased Case No. 24-2713 Letters Testamentary upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 26th day of February 2024, by the Honorable Eldora Banks Anderson, the probate Judge of Perry County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or else the same will be forever barred. Jean Eagle Moore, Personal Representative Ralph N. Hobbs Hobbs & Hain, P.C.P.O. Box 1190 Selma, Alabama 36702 Attorney for Personal Representative 3-7-3c


Legal Notice

NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATE OF STEPHEN SHANE HENRY Case No.: 24-001LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION of said deceased having been granted to MindiH. Henry on the 27th day of February 2024, by the Honor-able Arthur Crawford, Sr., Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law or the same will be barred: WOODFORD W. DINNING, JR., Attorney for Administratrix To: Publisher PUBLISHER OF: The Greensboro Watchman Please publish the above notice three (3) successive weeks in said newspaper. WOOD FORD W. DINNING, JR.Attorney for Administrator Post Office Drawer 740 Demopolis, Alabama 36732(334) 289-05563-7-3c

Legal Notice

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA CASE NO. CV-24-900012 LOUIS CADDELL, JR., Plaintiff Vs.A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING ½ ACRES IN THE NW ¼OF THESW ¼ OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP23, RANGE 5.ANDA TRACT OF LAND LYING AND SITUATED IN THE SW ¼ OF THE NW ¼OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE 5EAST, HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA Both Tracts in Deed BookA120, page 906, Tax Parcel#36-0209300000005.000 AND THE HEIRS AT LAW ANDNEXT OF KIN OFEARNEST A. CADDELL andODEAN MADISONand CAROLYN STEWART-ITOTA, individually, and ANY CLAIMANTS KNOWN OR UNKNOWN OF ANY INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY MADE THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS LITIGATION, Defendants. NOTICE OF CIVIL ACTION Notice is hereby given to any claimants or purported owners of any interest in the above-described real estate. A civil action is pending in Hale County Circuit Clerk by the Plaintiff to Quiet Title and the Plaintiff of the property generally described as follows: TRACT I: Two and one-half (2 ½) acres more or less in the Northeast corner, South of the now established public road known as the Mills Road, and in the northwest Quarter of theSouthwest Quarter of Section30, Township 23, Range 5.Hale County.TRACT II: The Southwest Quarter (SW¼) of the Northwest Quarter(NW ¼) of Section 30, Township 23, Range 5 East, contains forty acres, more or less, and is known as the“Jake Place”.LESS & EXCEPT a part of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section30, Township 23 North, Range5 East in Hale County as more specifically described on the deed, and LESS & EXCEPT a parcel situated in the NW corner of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼of said Section 30 in Hale County, containing 1 acre. Deed Reference: Deed Book A120, page 906.Parcel Number: #36-0209300000005.000 Any claimants or purported owners must answer the Com-plaint seeking relief by the 7th day of May 2024, or thereafter, a Judgment by Default may be rendered against them in this case.Done this 28th day of February, 2024.Catrinna L. PerryHale County Circuit Clerk Run for four (4) consecutive weeks: March 7, 14, 21, & 28, 2024Thomas H. Boggs, Jr.Attorney for the Plaintiff P O Drawer 740 Demopolis, AL 367323-7-4c

Legal Notice

INVITATION FOR BID CITY OF GREENSBORO FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONAL PROTECTIVE FIRE-FIGHTING TURNOUT GEAR Notice is hereby given that the city of Greensboro will receive sealed bids in the City Clerk’s Office, Greensboro City Hall, 1101 Main Street, Greensboro, AL 36744, until2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 25, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened and read for the furnishing and delivering of 20 sets of “Fire-fighters Turnout Gear.”Please carefully read and follow the instructions. All interested bidders must request an aBid Package by contacting city Clerk Lorrie Cook by phone at (334) 624-8119 ext. 2 or by email: cook0719@bell-south.net (with the subject line: Firefighter’s Bid Package request). Bids shall be presented under sealed cover. Marked on the outside of the envelope “Bid for Fire-fighter’s TurnoutGear,” and mailed to: the City of Greensboro1101 Main StreetGreensboro, AL 36744Attention: Lorrie Cook, CityClerkThe City of Greensboro reserves the right to accept any bid, to reject any or all Bids, to waive irregularities and/or formalities of any Bid, to make the award in any manner theCity believes to be in its best interest, and will not necessarily be bound to accept the low bid. The City also reserves the right to extend the time to submit bids, as well as extend the time to open bids. The City of Greensboro reserves the right to accept a bid in whole containing all quoted items in the bid and also the right to accept a partial bid containing individual items of firefighter turnout ensemble. NO ORAL, TELEPHONIC, TELE-GRAPHIC, ELECTRONIC(E-MAIL), OR FACSIMILEBIDS WILL BE CONSIDER-ERED.NO BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE ABOVE TIME BID SUBMITTAL DEAD-LINE: 2:00 P.M., MONDAY, MARCH 25, 20243-7-3c

Legal Notice

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA STATE OF ALABAMA, ExRel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs.GENEVA WASHINGTON, ET AL., Defendants.CASE NO. 2023-106 NOTICE OF PETITION TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY AND FOR AN ORDER OF CONDEMNATION NOTICE TO: Glenn Davis Russell, Lucille Penny Washington, Derrick Landers, Darrell Landers, Raymond Haskell, Tamara Robinson Washington, Derrick Lyles, Cara B. Lyles and Onassis Robinson, whose whereabouts are unknown, are required to answer the State of Alabama’s petition to condemn real property and other relief within thirty (30) days after the last publication date of this Notice. Said petition seeks to acquire real property to construct public roads and highway facilities necessary and convenient to the public.Done this 8th day of March 2024. Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.Judge of ProbateHale County, Alabama Mark A. Scogin ESPY SCOGIN AND CAIN, P.C.P.O. Box 2786Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Please publish this notice inThe Greensboro Watchman for4 consecutive weeks.3-14-4c

Legal Notice

STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF HALE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made under the terms of that certain mortgage executed by Nikki N.Hall, a married woman, on the 3rd day of June, 2021, to Mer-chants and Farmers Bank of Greene County which said mortgage is recorded in the Probate Office of Hale County,Alabama, in Mortgage Book 2021, at Page 419, and by reason of such default, having declared all of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage dueand payable, and such default continuing, notice is hereby given that, acting under thepower of sale contained in said mortgage, Merchants and Farmers Bank of Greene County will sell at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bid-der, before the main entrance of the Court house in the City of Greensboro, Hale County,Alabama, at noon or otherwise during the legal hours of saleon April 3, 2024, the following described real estate situated in Hale County, Alabama, to-wit:The North Half and the South Half consisting of two lots containing 10.0 acres each, of the following described 20.0 Acre parcel: To reach the point of beginning, commence at a 3 inch pipe on the East side of a creek marking the Northeast corner of Section 15, Township 20 North, Range 4 East and run South 01 degree 46 minutes 18 seconds West along the East boundary of said Section 15 a distance of 711.02 to a ½ inch iron pin capped “HOGGLEPLS #22677” for the point of beginning of parcel of land conveyed hereby; thence con-tinue South 01 degree 41 min-utes 18 seconds West adistance of 1,252.48 feet to a½inch iron pin capped “CA-0175-LS”; then run South 01degrees 57 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 418.09 feet to a½ inch iron pin capped”CA-0175-LS”; thence South02 degrees 08 minutes 33 sec-onds West a distance of 221.53feet to½ inch iron pin capped “HOG-GLE PLS #22677” on the North right-of-way boundary of Hale County Highway 28;thence run North 88 degrees 58 minutes 55 seconds West along said right-of-way boundary a distance of 446.15 feet to a ½inch iron pin capped “HOG-GLE PLS #22677″; thence run North 01 degree 01 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 904.25 feet to a ½ inch iron pincapped ‘HOGGLE PLS#22677”; thence continue North 01 degree 01 minutes 0 5seconds East a distance of987.66 feet to a½ inch iron pincapped “HOGGLE PLS#22677”; and thence run South 88 degrees 58 minutes 55 sec-onds East a distance of 472.07feet to the point of beginning.All lying and being in Hale County, Alabama.Said parcels are part of the parcel conveyed by deed of Wen-dell’s Fertilizer, Inc. and Terry Wendell to Larry L. Averett, dated October 12, 2017, and appearing of record in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, in Deed Book 2017, at Page 547 and contains 20.0 acres, more or less.For informational purposes the street address for the above-referenced property is believed to be: County Road 28 in Hale County, Alabama, which is not a part of the legal description and in the event of any discrepancy the legal description described in this notice shall control. Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging and all fixtures now attached to and used in connection with the premises herein described.Said sale will be subject to the right-of-way easements and restrictions of record in the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama, and will be subject to outstanding property taxes, and existing special assessments, if any, which might adversely affect the title to the subject property.Said property will be sold on an “As Is, Where Is” basis without warranty or recourse, express or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment. Neither the mortgagee nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee makes any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale.Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975)§35-4-271, are expressly disclaimed.Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in the property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process.Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by the above-described mortgage, and the proceeds thereof will be applied as provided by the terms of said mortgage. The successful bidder must tender an on-refundable deposit in certified funds made payable to Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds or by wire transfer by 5:00 p.m. the next business day at the Law Office of Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC at the address indicated below unless prior to said sale Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC has agreed to a later date or closing location. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate.The failure of any high bidder to pay the purchase price and close this sale shall, at the option of Mortgagee, be cause for rejection of the bid, and if the bid is rejected, Mortgagee shall have the option of making the sale to the next highest bidder who is able, capable and willing to comply with the terms thereof.This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. THIS IS AN ACTION TO COLLECT A DEBT. INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. Merchants and Farmers Bank of Greene County Mortgagee Ryan R. Hendley, Esq.REYNOLDS, REYNOLDS & LITTLE, LLC Attorneys for Mortgagee 2115 11th Street Post Office Box 2863Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403-2863Telephone: 205-391-0073File No. 66.0315 Publication Dates: March 14, 2024; March 21, 2024; March 28, 2024 foreclosure notice 66.03144870-4898-6012 v.13-14-3c

Legal Notice

NOTICE OF OFFICE OF GRANT OR, TRUSTEE and EXECUTOR FOR Existing ESTELLA SIMMONS LIVING ESTATE TRUST Estella Simmons, in sui jurist esse capacity, certify and declare to all persons and men worldwide that I am an egressed Hale County native Alabamian private American national, now ingressed within the nation low republic[Union] country at Alabama state private American, domiciliary origin c/o Rural RouteR801 20, Box 93, Alabama Elmore County of the United States of North America at all times since birth upon the soil foreign to, without, and excluded from Domestic, Territorial, Military, and District of Columbia jurisdictions under the constitution 1776 A.D.Further, I am the living grantor to the office of grantor titled”Estella Simmons Trust”, executed January 25, 2024. Further, notice is given of the establishment of the private irrevocable living trust entitled “Estella Simmons Living Estate Trust” executed on January 25, 2024, with the same status as fore stated by the Grantor’s Office within the meaning at the time of the adoption of the constitution1776 A.D. the certificate of trust and acceptance of trustee in Elmore County file #:1234, January 25, 2024, the rights, title and interest exe-cuted on Trust Transfer Grant Deeds intended for her as-signs, devisees and legateesen titled RF179449215US-00.001 thru RF179449215US-99.999. The Trustee accepted his appointment on January 25, 2024, for master trust file RF 179 449 215 US. The beneficiary is private and her Status is as follows: She is a private American national whose jurisdiction is the Exclusive Equity Jurisdiction, governed by the Maxims of English and American Equityas at the time of the adoption of the *1789 Constitution for the USA, protected by **Article Ill Sec 2 subd.1, heir to the posterity thereof and is the administrator for the Estate. “law is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus”…Romans 8:2.Further, Robert Kyle Sim-mons, an egressed native Tuscaloosa County Alabamian private American, now ingressed within national Alabama [Union] country at domiciliary origin Rural Route R801 20, Box 93, Elmore County still at all times foreign to, without, and excluded from domestic, Territorial, Military, and District of Columbia jurisdictions, am Executor to the foreign Estella Simmons, Estate. All challenges or rebuttals must be sent within 30 days via USPS registered mail, addressed to the Executor’s Office.”3-14-3c

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