Home > News > Deadline Friday for new Farmers’ Market logo design contest

Deadline Friday for new Farmers’ Market logo design contest


Friday, March 8, is the deadline for the South Street Farmers Market Logo Design Contest. Four designs will be chosen as the top choices, with the winner’s design being selected for the official market logo. The South Street Farmers Market will open in June of this year. The Watchman will also be featuring many of these designs in an upcoming issue to showcase the entries from students. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 8.

The top four designs will receive special prizes, including cash and a gift card to the farmers market.

Local children aged 8 through 10 years old may submit their logo designs to South Street Farmers Market, 1102 South Street, Greensboro, AL 36744. Participants may also just leave their submissions in the mailbox to save on postage.

Information on the contest can be found at Black Belt Food Project’s website, blackbeltfoodproject.or g/market. You may contact the South Side Farmers Market Team by emailing market@blackbeltfoodproject. org, or by calling Sarah at 256-604-9684, or Jacqui at 530-386-6592.


The farmers market will be offering a variety of fresh and local produce, honey, herbs, eggs, flowers, and more. When creating a logo, consider the logo will be used on promotional material, shirts, bags, and across social media platforms. Participants are encouraged to use color and may opt to use either images or words in their design. Contestants may even draw an image and write “farmers market” or “South Street Farmers Market”.

Some students have received a logo design guide sheet, with a blank box for their design to be placed. Participants are requested to keep their designs confined to the space within the box. The logo design sheet may also be accessed through the Black Belt Food Project’s website.

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