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Legal Notices Week of Dec 28, 2023


Legal Notice

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA STATE OF ALABAMA, Ex Rel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs.JOHN C. JAY, ET AL., Defendants.CASE NO. 2023-097NOTICE OF PETITION TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY AND FOR AN ORDER OF CONDEMNATION NOTICE TO: DOROTHY CARTER, NETTIE RAY, ROMELLIA LEWIS, TUNDRA HORN BUCKLE AND TELEIGHAH CHANEY, whose whereabouts are unknown, is required to answer the State of Alabama’spetition to condemn real property and other relief within thirty (30) days after the last publication date of this Notice. Said petition seeks to acquire real property to construct public roads and highway facilities necessary and convenient to the public.Done this 18th day of December, 2023. Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.Judge of Probate Hale County, Alabama Mark A. ScoginESPY SCOGIN AND CAIN, P.C.P.O. Box 2786 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Please publish this notice in The Greensboro Watchman for4 consecutive weeks.12-21-4c

Legal Notice

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA STATE OF ALABAMA, ExRel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs. BERNARD SHELTON, ETAL., Defendants. CASE NO. 2023-087NOTICE OF PETITION TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY AND FOR AN ORDER OF CONDEMNATION NOTICE TO: TRAVIS L. SHELTON, whose whereabouts are unknown, is required to answer the State of Alabama’s petition to condemn real property and other relief within thirty (30) days after the last publication date of this Notice. Said petition seeks to acquire real property to construct public roads and highway facilities necessary and convenient to the public.Done this 18th day of December, 2023. Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.Judge of Probate Hale County, Alabama Mark A. ScoginESPY SCOGIN AND CAIN, P.C.P.O. Box 2786 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Please publish this notice in The Greensboro Watchman for4 consecutive weeks.12-21-4c


Legal Notice

LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF ALABAMA HALE COUNTY NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Default having been made inthe payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Levon Small, dated April 4, 2000, said Mortgage being filed forrecord in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, on the 11thday of April, 2001 and being recorded in said office in Mortgage Book 322 at Page 798-801, and Community Service Programs of West Alabama,Inc., as Mortgagee under the mortgage, by reason of such default having declared all ofthe indebtedness secured this mortgage due and payable and such defaults continuing, notice is hereby given that under-signed, Community Service Programs of West Alabama,Inc., under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in this mortgage, will sell at public outcry, at the front door of the Courthouse of Hale County,Alabama, in Greensboro, Alabama, beginning at 12:00 o’-clock noon during the legalhours of sale on the 18th day of January, 2024 for cash to the highest bidder, the following described real property, located in Hale County, Alabama, andmore particularly described as follows, to wit:A parcel of land located in the Northeast Quarter of Section19, Township 20 North, Range5 East, Hale County, Alabama,being more particularly described as follows: Commenceat the half inch iron pipe on the South margin of Walker Streetwhich marks the Northeast Corner of the property as de-scribed in deed recorded in Hale County, Alabama, public records in Deed Book A-79, atpage 190; thence run South 85degrees 49 minutes Westalong the South right of way margin of Walker Street for adistance of 335 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcel ofland; thence continue South 85degrees 49 minutes West and along said South margin for adistance of 75.00 feet to apoint; thence run South 26 degrees 20 minutes West for adistance of 100.00 feet to apoint; thence run North 85 de-grees 49 minutes East for a dis-tance of 100.00 feet to a point;thence run north 12 degrees 29minutes East, for a distance of 89.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments,and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise apper-taining in fee simple.SOURCE OF TITLE: DEEDBOOK A117 PAGE 860 Title to the above described property shall be conveyed by Mortgage Foreclosure Deed subject to any ad valorem taxesdue, rights of way, restrictions,easements, matters of surveyand existing Federal Tax Liensif any, and/or special assessments, if any, which might adversely affect the title to the subject property, Terms of saleare cash.Community Service Programsof West Alabama, Inc.BY: Barbara Rogers, Attorneyfor Community Service Programs of West Alabama, Inc.PO Box 71358 Tuscaloosa, AL 35407(205) 759-4090 PUBLICATION DATES: December 21, 2023, December 28, 2023, and January 4, 2024.12-21-3c

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