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Legal Notices Week of Oct 19, 2023


Legal Notice

In the Juvenile Court of Hale County, Alabama in the Matter of Derrianna Shakevia Gray, a minor child Case No. Ju-17-068.04 Notice of Petition for Termination of Parental RightsTo: Derrick Snead, father of Derrianna Shakevia Gray You are hereby given notice that a petition has been filed by the Hale County Department of Human Resources request-ing your paternal rights be terminated as to Derrianna Shakevia Gray, born January 28, 2013, in Demopolis, Alabama. You are hereby given notice that you are required to file an answer with the Clerk of the Juvenile Court and with the Petitioner’s attorney, Walter A. Griess, Post Office Box528, Eutaw, Alabama, 35462within fourteen (14) days of the date of the last publication of this notice or a default judgment can be entered against you. A final hearing on the said petition can be held within ninety (90) days after the last day of this publication. You have been appointed Robert J. Lee as your attorney in this matter. His office is at 121 Boligee Street, Eutaw, Alabama, 35462. His office number is (205) 372-3223.Catrinna L. Perry,Circuit Clerk9-28-4c

Legal Notice

DBA NOTICE, Richards, Michael, will be doing business as MICHAEL RICHARDS, registered to assume the name, File Number:1394629100023 Minnesota Secretary of State, Minnesota Status, Chapter 333. Principal Place of Business: 444 Castle-wood Drive, Greensboro, AL,36744 USA10-12-3c


Legal Notice

Notice of CompletionIn accordance with Chapter I, Title 39, Code of Alabama,1975, notice is hereby given that Booth Contractors, L.L.C.(contractor) has completed the contract for Modernization of Public Housing Site AL171-1, XIII, AL171-3, IX; andAL171-4 and AL171-6, Uniontown Housing Authority(owner) at 104 Plumblee Street, Uniontown, Alabama36786, and have made request for final settlement of said contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials,or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify The Architectural Office of William J. Peek,908 S. Hull Street, Mont-gomery, AL 36104.Booth Contractors, L.L.C.P.O. Box 537Northport, AL 3547610-12-4c

Legal Notice

MORTGAGE FORECLO-SURE SALE Default having been made inthe payment of the indebted-ness secured by that certain mortgage executed by DER-RICK ARMSTEAD, A MAR-RIED MAN, to CADENCEBANK, N.A. on NOVEMBER16, 2018, said mortgage being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of HALE County, Alabama, at MORT-GAGE BOOK 2018 PAGE654, the undersigned CA-DENCE BANK FORMERLYCADENCE BANK, N.A., as mortgagee (or transferee),under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, at the entrance of the Court house of HALE County,Alabama, on NOVEMBER 14,2023, between the legal hoursof sale, the following described real estate situated in HALE County, Alabama, to wit:THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF LOTS 17 AND 18 IN BLOCK35 OF THE WALLER,LICHTMAN AND MURPHY SUBDIVISION IN THE TOWN OF AKRON, HALECOUNTY, ALABAMA, DE-SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:BEGIN AT THE NE COR-NER OF THE C.D. RAY-FIELD LOT ON THE WESTSIDE OF 6TH STREET ANDON THE EAST SIDE OF LOT18 OF SAID BLOCK 35;RUN THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST SIDEOF 6TH STREET TO ANALLEY OR STREET; RUNTHENCE SOUTHWEST-ERLY ALONG THE SOUTHSIDE OF SAID ALLEY ORSTREET AND ALONG THENORTH SIDE OF LOTS 18AND 17 TO THE NORTH-WEST CORNER OF LOT 17IN BLOCK 35; RUNTHENCE SOUTHERLYALONG THE EAST SIDE OFLOT 16 AND THE WESTSIDE OF LOT 17 IN BLOCK35 TO THE NORTHWESTCORNER OF THE C.D. RAY-FIELD LOT; RUN THENCEALONG THE NORTH SIDEOF THE C.D. RAYFIELDLOT TO THE POINT OF BE-GINNING Subject to all zoning, ease-ments, restrictions, restrictivecovenants and reservations ap-pearing of record. Said salary will also be made subject to any Federal Tax Liens, Ad Val-orem Real Estate Taxes, and/or Special Assessments of any nature, if any, which might adversely affect the title to the property. The property is being sold “as is, where is”. Said property is sold without warranty or recourse, expressed or implied as to title, use, enjoyment, or condition. The mort-gagee or transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. All bidders will be required to execute a bidding agreement prior to sale. Copies of the bidding agreement may be obtained prior to the sale. The successful bidder will be required to pay the bid amount at the time of sale in cash or cer-tified funds.

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