Home > Classifieds > Classifieds Week of Oct 12, 2023

Classifieds Week of Oct 12, 2023


Classified Ad Rates

— MINIMUM RATE (In Hale County)— $6.00 per insertion, 20 words or less.All words in excess of 20, 52¢ per word.Payable in advance of publication.— MINIMUM RATE (Outside HaleCounty) — $9.00 per insertion, 20 words or less. All words in excess of 20,65¢ per word. Payable in advance of publication.Card of Thanks, Birthday Greetings, Memoriams, and Poems — standard size (2 column-inches by 2 inches or 1 column-inch by 4 inches) —$25.00.Payable in advance of publication.NOTICE — Please be aware that any advertisement that gives a 900 number will add extra charges by the minute to your phone bill. Also, advertisements that ask for money, in advance of services rendered, should be checked out for credit references, preferably others that have dealt with the same advertiser. The Watchman tries to limit advertisements to genuine offers but recommends a thorough check through references and any other information you may have before ordering, paying for anything in advance, and paying by cash or credit card.

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