Home > News > Local BBB chapter warns: beware of scammers impersonating them

Local BBB chapter warns: beware of scammers impersonating them


The Better Business Bureau Serving Central & South Alabama is warning businesses and consumers about a recent surge in scams perpetrated by impostors posing as the BBB. These dishonest individuals use deceptive tactics to steal sensitive information and money from unsuspecting victims. The BBB has received reports of various schemes, ranging from fake phone calls to phishing emails designed to exploit the trust associated with the BBB brand.

In a recent incident, a BBB Accredited Business received a call from an imposter who spoofed the BBB’s phone number. The caller appeared to be targeting retired federal government employees. Once they obtained their trust, they instructed the victim to take funds out of their bank/credit union and place them in a Cryptocurrency ATM in a local business. The BBB will never call and ask for these types of funds.

“It’s disheartening to see scammers attempting to exploit the BBB’s reputation for personal gain,” said Carl Bates, President/CEO of the Better Business Bureau Serving Central & South Alabama. “We are committed to safeguarding businesses and consumers from deceptive practices.”

The BBB advises businesses and consumers to remain vigilant and report suspicious communications or encounters to the BBB Scam Tracker. In addition, the BBB encourages individuals to verify claims made by individuals identifying themselves as representatives of the BBB by contacting their local BBB office directly.


To combat these scams, the BBB offers several tips and guidelines:

  • Scam Tracker: Visit the BBB’s “Scam Tracker” hub to learn how to identify potential scams quickly and effectively.
  • Tech Support Scams: The BBB provides insights into various tech support scams, which often involve impostors claiming to investigate fraudulent charges and requesting access to victims’ computers.
  • Avoiding Impostors: The BBB reminds the public that it will never ask for passwords or device access information. If a call from the BBB seems suspicious, individuals are advised to hang up and call the official BBB phone number listed on the BBB’s official website.

“By sharing information and staying informed, businesses and consumers can better protect themselves from falling victim to these scams,” emphasized Bates.

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