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2023 Vacation Bible School


In a recent collaborative effort, the Hale County Extension Office partnered with Pleasant Grove Baptist Church for its 2023 Vacation Bible School (VBS). Jovita Lewis, the County Extension Coordinator, presented a program entitled “Leading Out Loud with Health and Wellness.”

After the adult VBS lesson, participants were able to partake in a range of engaging activities centered on health and wellness. These activities aimed to impart several key messages: the importance of planning healthy meals and snacks, shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables, enjoying a meatless meal weekly, and engaging in 30 minutes of physical activity daily. Participants were also advised to limit screen time, especially before sleep, and to make water their beverage of choice.

This initiative wouldn’t have been possible without the involvement of several key individuals. Special thanks are extended to Mrs. Brenda Teacher, the VBS Director, Mr. Michel Miller, the VBS Adult teacher, and Reverend Calvin Johnson, the Pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, for their invitations and contributions.

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