Home > News > Magnolia Homemakers meet for June with program on American flag

Magnolia Homemakers meet for June with program on American flag


Magnolia Homemakers and Community Leaders on June 20 at Hale County Extension auditorium. Nancy Jennings, president, presided. Elizabeth Tidmore, 2023 scholarship winner was present at the meeting. Elizabeth thanked the club for the scholarship award and shared her aspirations and college plans.

Anne Bailey presented a program on the American flag. She read a short children’s book on the story of Betsy Ross and the first flag when there were thirteen states. In addition, the program included other information about the history and etiquette of the U.S. flag.

Hostesses, Nancy Jennings and Anne Bailey, prepared refreshments on a table decorated in red, white, and blue of the month’s theme of the U.S. flag. In addition, the craft project for June’s meeting reflected the July 4th theme.

If anyone is interested in joining or attending Magnolia Homemakers, please you call the Hale County Extension office at 334-624-8710.


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