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Legal Notices Week of Jun 8, 2023


Legal Notice

Civil Action No.: 36-CV-2023-900009.00 In The Circuit Court of HaleCounty, Alabama PUBLICATION NOTICE Carlton Farm, Inc.PlaintiffVs.

In Personam: Samuel Carlton, George Peter-son, Delores Peterson, RoseCarlton, Fred D. Carlton, Jr.,Ida Grace C. Moore, FannieRuth C. Haley, Lorenza C.Shankle, Patricia L. Blackburn,Lillian Blackburn, JacquelineA.

Blackburn, Linda Black-burn Hamilton, Otis MelvinBlackburn, Jr., their heirs and assigns, Fictitious 1-10000 the person, pnsh, corp., or other legal entity as set out in this Complaint and whose names are otherwise unknown, but,will be added by amendment when so ascertained, and In Rem against the following described property: Parcel I –South west Quarter of North-west Quarter, Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter less 24acres taken evenly off the eastside thereof, and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, all in Section 19, Township 23 North,Range 5 East, Hale County, Alabama, containing 76 acres,more or less; Parcel II – WestHalf of Southwest Quarter ofNortheast Quarter of Section19, Township 23, Range 5East, Hale County, Alabama, LESS and EXCEPT the following parcels:


(1) Commenceat the northwest corner of the W ½ of SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 19, Township 23North, Range 5 East, and from said point of beginning run east along the quarter section 424feet to a point; thence south105 feet to a point on the half section line; thence north 105feet to a point of beginning, containing one acre, ore orless.

(2) Commence at the northwest corner of W1/2 ofSW1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East and run south along the half section line 670 feet to a point on the north margin of County Road #44 (asphalt road); thence run easterly300.5 feet, along the north, margin of said road, to a point marked by an iron stob and which said point is the point of beginning; run north 1º 35’West 345 feet to a point; then cerun South 1º North 88º 25’East 250 feet to a point; then cerun South 1º 35’ East 360 feet to a point on the north margin of said County Highway ; thence run West 250 feet, along the north margin of said Road#44 to the point of beginning, containing two acres, more or less In the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama; Parcel ID No: 02 04 19 0 000007.000; Parcel ID No: 02 0419 0 000 015.000; and ParcelID No: 02 04 19 0 000 015.000(in rem defendants), in HaleCounty, AL.

Defendants NOTICE IS HEREBY given that on the 18th day of February 2023, a Complaint was filed by Carlton Farm, Inc, wherein you, as Defendants, or heirs and assigns were named as Defendants; wherein Plain-tiff claims fee simple title to the above real estate and whereas said real property was situated in Hale County, Alabama.

You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff avers in said Complaint that it has sought relief to the above property by virtue of a Petition to Quiet Title.

Plaintiff has recorded tenants in common interest in said real property and seeks to acquire said real property to clear title as to all other parties claiming title to said real property.You are hereby directed to answer the Petition to Quiet Titleon or before thirty (30) days from the 8th day of June, 2023,or upon failure to do so, suffer a default judgment to be rendered against you.— Catrinna Perry, ClerkGreensboro Watchman. – May18 and 25, June 1 and 8, 2023.5-18-4c.

Legal Notice

T Bunn Construction Co.,Inc. hereby gives Notice of Completion of contract with the STPAA-HSIP-0014(553)Hale County. This notice will appear for four(4) consecutive weeks beginning on May 25, 2023 and ending on June 15, 2023. All claims shall be filed at 611 Helen Keller Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 during this period.S T Bunn Construction Co.,Inc. The Greensboro Watchman Submitted May 19, 20235-25-4c.

Legal Notice

T Bunn Construction Co.,Inc. hereby gives Notice of Completion of contract with the STPAA-HSIP-0069(568)Hale County. This notice will appear for four(4) consecutive weeks beginning on May 25, 2023 and ending on June 15, 2023. All claims shall be filed at 611 Helen Keller Blvd. Tuscaloosa,AL 35404 during this period.S T Bunn Construction Co.,Inc. The Greensboro Watchman Submitted May 19, 20235-25-4c.

Legal Notice

STATE OF ALABAMAPERRY COUNTY PROBATE COURTCASE NO. 2023-Estate of Daniel Hobart Burns Deceased Letters of Administration with the Will Annexed having been granted to the undersigned, on the 25th day of May, 2023, by the Honorable Probate Court ofPerry County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate are required to file an itemized and verified statement of the claim in the office of the judge of Probate within six months from above date or the claim will be barred and payment prohibited. Vinnie H. RoysterPersonal Representative of the estate of Daniel Hobart BurnsAttorney for Personal Representative: Jefferson K. NailP.O. Box 916Marion, AL 36756Publish three consecutive times.6-1-3c.

Legal Notice

STATE OF ALABAMAPERRY COUNTYPROBATE COURTCASE NO. 2023-Estate of Christopher K. JonesDeceasedLetters Testamentary upon the last Will and Testament of the decedent, having been granted to the undersigned, on the 25thday of May, 2023, by the Honorable Probate Court of PerryCounty, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate are required to file an itemized and verified statement of the claim in the office of the judge of Probate within six months from above date or the claim will be barred and payment prohibited. Brenda G. JonesPersonal Representative of the estate of Christopher K. JonesAttorney for Personal Representative: Jefferson K. NailP.O. Box 916Marion, AL 36756Publish three consecutive times.6-1-3c.

Legal Notice

SECTION 00 1113 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed Proposals will be received by Breakthrough Charter School, at BreakthroughCharter School, 1820 PrierDrive, Marion, Alabama36756, until 2:30 PM CDT; July 11th, 2023 for the Break-through Charter School – GymHVAC. Bids will be received at which time they will be publicly opened and read. A cashiers check or bid bond payable to Breakthrough Charter Scholl in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000, must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Performance and Payment Bonds and evidence of insurance required in the bid documents will be required at the signing of the Contract. Bid documents will be available on Monday, June 5th,2023 For more information on obtaining bid documents contact Scott Thompson atSThompson@architecture-works.com.A Pre-Bid Conference and site visit for interested Contractors will be held at the project site,2:30 PM CST; June 28th,2023. For directions and further information on this meeting contact Scott Thompson atSThompson@architecture-works.com not less than (2)two days before the pre-bid conference. Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the architect or copies thereof. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by theState Licensing Board for General Contractors must be licensed under the provision title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975, and must show evidence of license before bidding or bid will not be received or considered by the Architect; the bidder shall show such evidence by clearly displaying their license number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technical error if, in the Owner’s judgement, the best interest of the Owner will thereby be promoted.To Run: June 11, 2023June 18, 2023June 25, 2023END OF SECTION 00 11136-8-3.

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