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Hale County Hospital’s: Hospital Corner


At Hale County Hospital, we love our community and make it our mission to ensure that our patients receive the best care. Additionally, we make an effort to connect with our community through relationship-center programs. Since Hale County Hospital is known for being a smaller hospital, our providers and nurses are able to provide a relationship center approach to healthcare. To continue to fulfill our mission, Hale County Hospital is committed to providing outreach programs and projects that allow the community to learn more about the hospital and the staff who work hard each day to support it.

Our most up and coming event is the “Main Street Community Festival”. The festival will be a time where members of the community and surrounding areas can come see what the hospital has to offer. During the morning, staff members from each department of the hospital and clinics will have a table and tent set up. This opportunity will allow people to see the different services that are offered, for example: Hale County Home Health, Hale County Physical Therapy, Hale County Clinic, Moundville Medical Associates, and more. Additionally, members of the community can expect fitness classes led by members of the community, nutrition classes offered by the extension office and our head of dietary, opportunities to play pickleball, and more. Most importantly, we are excited to get to know our community more by getting the chance to talk with members outside the typical hospital setting.

We hope to see various members of the community at the festival! Additionally, if you are interested in getting a “Mainstreet Community Festival T-shirt” feel free to place an order by going to our Facebook page: mainstreetcommunityfestival. Additionally, it’s not too late to join part-take in the parade! Applications are due on April 14. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the festival email us at mainstreetcommunityfestival@gmail.com.

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