Home > News > Newbern Library supports Black History Month projects with activities, more

Newbern Library supports Black History Month projects with activities, more


In preparation for the Black History month Wax Museum event at Greensboro Elementary School, the Newbern Library again offered project workshops at the library for 3rd,4th and 5th grade students on Saturday mornings in February. Students were invited to bring a display board on which to place pictures, artwork and interesting facts about the prominent Black person who had been assigned to them at school.

The Library offered free supplies, such as markers, glue, both white and colored paper, plus computers, laptops and tablets for research and printers for pictures and other materials.

Twenty volunteers from the library, from Auburn’s Rural Studio and from Project Horseshoe Farm were paired one-on-one with the students to help them do research, to brainstorm ideas and then to create a “storyboard” about their person.

The students were also encouraged to find a book about their person and check it out to read at home.


Judging from the finished products and proud smiles, the workshops were very successful and satisfying for both the elementary students and their volunteer partners who mentored them on their research projects.

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