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Legal Notices Week of February 23, 2023


Legal Notice


CASE NO. 2022-091

STATE OF ALABAMA, Ex Rel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs. MARGARET LONG WALTON, ET AL., Defendants.



DEBORAH WALTON and STEVEN WALTON, whose whereabouts are unknown, is required to answer the State of Alabama’s petition to condemn real property and other relief within thirty (30) days after the last publication date of this Notice. Said petition seeks to acquire real property to construct public roads and highway facilities necessary and convenient to the public.

Done this 27th day of January, 2023.

Arthur L. Crawford, Sr. Judge of Probate Hale County, Alabama

Mark A. Scogin ESPY SCOGIN AND CAIN, P.C. P.O. Box 2786 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER 2-2-4c

Legal Notice

MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Coye O. Lucky Jr. and Reita H. Lucky, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, originally in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for Maverick Funding Corp, on March 25, 2015, said mortgage recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, in Mortgage Book 2015 Page 259; the undersigned Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Greensboro, Hale County, Alabama, on April 18, 2023, during the legal hours of sale, all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Hale County, Alabama, to-wit: The following described property situated in Section 16, Township 20 North, Range 5 East in the City of Greensboro, Hale County, Alabama, more particularly described as follows: Lot No. 3 of the Tutwiler Addition to the City of Greensboro, Alabama, according to a map or plat of the lands of Rosa Lee and Agnus Tutwiler, situated in Greensboro, Alabama, as made by B. M. Burks, Surveyor, on January 30, 1946, which said plat or map was filed for record in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, on March 18, 1946 and appears in Map Book 1, Page 3A. The said lot 3 is 148 feet on the North side, 100 feet on the East side and 161.5 feet on the South side with the front distant along Centerville Street not marked as to distance. This property is also the identical property as that conveyed to Grantor herein by deed of R. S. Colson and wife, Romola G. Colson by deed dated October 5, 1971 and recorded on October 18, 1971 in Deed Book A- 70 at Page 387 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama.. Property street address for informational purposes: 707 Centerville Street , Greensboro, AL 36744. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT AND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES ENTITLED THERETO. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, as well as the expenses of foreclosure. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in certified funds made payable to Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price plus any deed recording costs and transfer taxes must be paid in certified funds by noon the next business day at the Law Office of Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. at the address indicated below. Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. reserves the right to award the bid to the next highest bidder should the highest bidder fail to timely tender the total amount due. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, (“Transferee”) Tiffany & Bosco, P.A., 2501 20th Place South, Suite 300, Homewood, AL 35223 www.tblaw.com TB File Number: 23-00482 02/16/2023, 02/23/2023, 03/02/2023 2-16-3c

Legal Notice

Chilton Contractors, Inc. hereby gives notice of completion of contract with the State of Alabama for construction of Project No. STPNU-5318(251) in Perry County. This notice will appear for four consecutive weeks beginning on 2-16- 2023 and ending on 3-9-2023. All claims should be filed at P.O. Box 2038, Clanton, AL 35046 during this period.

Chilton Contractors, Inc. 2-16-4c

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