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Hale County Hospital’s: Hospital Corner


At Hale County Hospital, we take pride in having the ability to care for our patients. Whether it’s you personally or your family who needs care, from our award winning outpatient clinics (with locations in Greensboro and Moundville) or our inpatient services. Hale County Hospital is your hometown center for healthcare and focuses on providing excellence care in West Alabama.

To some people the term, “inpatient vs outpatient” may be confusing. Within this article, we will break these two terms down and explain what Hale County provides within each category. Inpatient care refers to any medical service that requires admission into the hospital (Wu 2022). Additionally, many of the people who are admitted into inpatient services come from the emergency department. If admitted, each department at Hale County Hospital works around the clock to ensure that our overnight patients in the inpatient department are being taken care of. For instance, our providers and nurses work day and night to help each patient recover. Our dietary staff work hard to provide amazing breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Additionally, the environmental staff stop by daily to verify that each room is cleaned. The inpatient services at Hale County function to ensure that no matter who you are, if admitted to the hospital you are taken care of.

Outpatient care is a medical service that doesn’t require a person to stay at the Hospital (Wu 2022). Many of the outpatient services can be provided at the Hale County Hospital Clinic and Moundville Medical Associates Clinic. Additionally, at the hospital many of our patients utilize our Physical Therapy services. Whether you need to schedule a primary care appointment in Greensboro or Moundville, were admitted to the hospital for an overnight stay, or need to get an ultrasound, CT and X – ray. Hale County Hospital is here to help our fellow neighbors by providing many of the basic services that you need. We are here to help our community and enjoy doing so.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Hale County Hospital will have a float at the Greensboro Christmas Parade on Dec 10th
  2. On November 17th, Hale County Hospital Celebrated, “Nurse Practitioner Week Appreciation Week”.
  3. Currently, at the Hospital we are beginning to plan a Spring Festival that will bring the community of Hale County together.
  4. December 1st is World AIDS Day.

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