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Garden Club plant sale will be Saturday morning here

Garden Club members Rollanda Cothran, Buzzy Barnette, Eve Kneeland and Mason Dyess work to spruce up Greensboro with fall decorations as part of a recent club beautification project. The Garden Club will hold a fall plant sale this Saturday at Greensboro First United Methodist Church.

The Greensboro Garden Club met Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 at the First Presbyterian Church parish hall with Nancy Jennings presiding. Eve Kneeland presented the program on local flora and shared drying techniques for scrapbooking.

Plans were also made to hold a plant sale on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022, on the front lawn of the First Methodist Church of Greensboro at 10 AM. Several types of plants will be offered including Gingko trees. The Garden Club of Alabama State President, LaMar Merrilll of Greensboro, picked a theme for his term to “plant a Japanese Maple or Gingko for Fall color.” All proceeds are used for upkeep of Main Street and town signs.

In that regard, Garden Club members decorated street corners in town on October 8, 2022. A special bonus was a generous donation given to the group by a member of the community as passed by. Thank you for your support!

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