Home > News > Veritas Club held meeting Sept. 20 at True home

Veritas Club held meeting Sept. 20 at True home


The Veritas Club’s meeting was held at the home of Charlotte True. Claire Ryan, vice-president, called the meeting to order and presided. Members recited the “Pledge of Allegiance.”

Anne Bailey shared the inspiration based on a quote from Mother Theresa, “We can do no great things only small things with great love.” The secretary, Anne Bailey, read minutes from the previous meeting. Karen Whitis provided the treasurer’s report. The club received a donation for scholarship fund from Pat Yeager Barsom in memory of Lois Yeager.

Members discussed plans for the annual Veterans Day program. It was decided that the program would be held at the Greensboro Baptist Church at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 11.

Veritas Club was adjourned after the group recited the collect. The next meeting will be held October 18 at 6:00 p.m. at home of Janice Day.


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