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Hospital Corner


We love our community. Hale County Hospital is committed to providing Top Care to residents of all ages within Hale County. With our incredible new providers and convenient location, there is no need to drive long distances to receive the quality care you and your loved ones deserve. At all our locations, from Moundville Medical Associates, Hale County Hospital and the adjacent HCH Clinic, our committed team of doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses are driven to provide passionate, holistic care to your whole family. We focus on relationship-based and high-touch care that allows us to get to know our patients in ways that less personal systems are unable to achieve. We place a great emphasis on primary care, mental health and behavioral health, and social services, and are working to bring the best of specialty care via video and telephone consultation to your visits with your primary care providers. Our roots run deep in community health care and we believe in the importance of investing in and developing long term partnerships with local community organizations. Through community outreach and education events we strive to be involved and to support the many local religious, civic and other groups to strengthen ties with all parts of the diverse Hale County community.

In our commitment to engage with the residents and the events of the Hale County community, our CEO, Shay Cherry, and our Nurse Manager of Clinical Services, Daphne Travis, participated in the Greensboro High School Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 30th. Driving the Hale County Hospital golf cart, decorated in the Raider colors of red and black, they drove down Main Street throwing out Hale County Hospital tshirts, candy and koozies! All the staff members of Hale County Healthcare are so proud of the hard work and dedication the Greensboro High School Varsity Football team has put into this season and coming out with an incredible win against the Midfield Patriots

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