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Hale County Hospital’s: Hospital Corner


As the current hospital fellows’ time in Greensboro comes to a close, we wanted to use this space to say farewell and thank our community for the special time we had here. Abby, Johanna, and Maggie have truly enjoyed the opportunity to be at Hale County Hospital this past year and we are so grateful for the chance to have met so many wonderful employees. Among our other responsibilities, we feel so lucky to have had the chance to get out into the community reintroducing Hale County Hospital, through health fairs, tabling in grocery stores, and putting up the newest Hale County Hospital billboard. It is because of how welcoming the community has been that it is so difficult to say goodbye, but the three of us are all excited for our next steps and will keep Greensboro and all we have learned in mind moving forward. Next year, Abby will be in Atlanta attending medical school, Maggie will be in Birmingham attending medical school, and Johanna will be in Philadelphia starting a new job.

We will have new Project Horseshoe Farm fellows joining us at the end of June, so keep your eye out for the introductions in the paper and seeing them in person around town and the hospital! This column will continue to update you on the happenings from Hale County Hospital. There are many exciting things on the horizon as Hale County Hospital continues to grow and provide top care close to home for our community.

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