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Hale County Hospital’s Hospital Corner


Last Wednesday, May 11th, was National Receptionist Day. Receptionist Day is a time to show appreciation and recognition for all the hard work that receptionists do on a daily basis. At Hale County Hospital, we are incredibly grateful for all of our receptionists. In this article, we would like to introduce you to the receptionists who work at our Greensboro clinic. Because they are often the first people you see when you come in for an appointment, we want them to be familiar to you!

Tomesha Rancher has been at HCHC for four months. She is from Eutaw, AL. Tomesha’s favorite part of working at HCHC is that from the beginning, she hasn’t felt like a stranger. She is grateful to have such a great, welcoming group to work with. Tomesha said that for her, being a receptionist means being able to help and interact with the community all while providing a needed service. Outside the clinic, Tomesha enjoys hanging out with her family and getting some much needed relaxation.

Abby Fondren has been working at Hale County Hospital Clinic for one year. She is from the local Greensboro area and said her favorite part of working at HCHC is that she gets to provide care to the people in her own community. For Abby, being a receptionist is important because it means she gets to make the very first impression on patients when they walk through the door and because she gets to ensure all our patients have a positive experience. When she’s not at the clinic, Abby enjoys going to the river, spending time with her family, and being outdoors!

Ashley Bishop has been working at HCHC for 3 and 1/2 years. Ashley is originally from Evergreen, AL but is currently living in Greensboro. The relationships Ashey has built with her coworkers and with patients are what she loves most about working at HCHC. For Ashley, being a receptionist means having the opportunity to serve her community. In her free time, Ashley enjoys cooking, reading, crafting, and spending time with her family.


Hale County Hospital Clinic is so grateful for all the hard work of its receptionists. Next time you see Tomesha, Abby, or Ashley be sure to say hello!

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