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Hale County Hospital’s Hospital Corner


By Abby Lecates, Johanna Mercurio, and Maggie Rosenthal

This past Friday, employees from Hale County Hospital were busy tabling at Hale County College and Career Academy’s annual Health Fair. Among the employees present at the fair were hospital CEO Shay Cherry, Clinical Nurse Manager Daphne Travis, and head of Infection Control Tracy Fondren. At the health fair, HCH gave away t-shirts, athome COVID-19 tests, and more. Recently, the hospital has enjoyed building a stronger presence in the Greensboro community by being a part of events such as the health fair. For example, the hospital took part in the Greensboro Farmers’ Co-op annual Good Friday event. Additionally, you may have seen HCH employees stationed at the Food Outlet handing out free at-home COVID tests during your grocery run a few weeks ago. These events have been a great way for HCH to spread awareness in the community about what actually happens in the hospital, from our pediatric services, to our relationship-based inpatient care. The hospital’s motto is “Neighbors helping neighbors”. That is why it is so important for us to get out in the community; we want to take the time to get to know you, and we want you to have the chance to learn more about us. We believe that such personal care is truly what makes HCH special. We hope to see you out in the community soon! 

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