Home > News > Council buys new garbage truck, votes to remodel City Hall entrance

Council buys new garbage truck, votes to remodel City Hall entrance


After stormy weather last
Tuesday night postponed its
regular meeting, Greensboro City Council met last
Thursday to approve a financing agreement with
Bancorp South’s Equipment
Financing Department allowing the city to purchase
a new garbage truck. The
city’s street and sanitation
department has been in
need of a new truck for
quite a while, said Mayor
Johnnie Washington.
“I’m glad to know that
we’ve finally got this,” he
said. “It will take at least
150-180 days, but at least
it’s ordered.”
“I thank y’all for that,”
said Streets and Sanitation
Supervisor Aaron Evans.
The city will pay
$255,811 for the truck, according to the financing
agreement. Washington said
at a previous meeting that
supply chain issues meant
the truck might take longer
than usual to be delivered to
the city from the time it’s
ordered. When the new
truck arrives, it will bring
the city’s fleet of garbage
trucks back up to two, said
City Clerk Lorrie Cook.
This will allow the city’s
street and sanitation department to function at full capacity again.
The council also approved a resolution that
night to solicit bids for renovations to the entrance to
City Hall.
Cook said the city would
use federal Recovery Act
money to finance the renovations, which would add
two walk-up windows, one
for City Hall and one for the
Utilities Board, that members of the public can use to
pay bills and conduct business with the city without
having to come inside.
Washington announced
that the city’s acquisition of
the entire Lions’ Park property had been made final
earlier that week. The part
had previously been owned
in parts by the city, county,
Lions’ Club, and Rural Studio.
“Everything is now
under the control of the
Greensboro Parks and
Recreation Authority,” he
said. The announcement coincided with the announcement of a new youth
baseball league in Greensboro, Washington said.

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