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25 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 27, 1997


Joe Kyser, Jr., of Greensboro announced this week
that he qualified on Tuesday
morning as a candidate for
the City Council of Greensboro, District No. 3, subject
to the Municipal Election of
May 13. He is presently
serving as the councilman
for District No. 4, but the
new District No. 3 was created when the Special Master formed new
re-districting lines for this
The son of Mrs. J.A.
Kyser and the late Mr.
Kyser of Greensboro, Joe
was born May 25, 1945 in
Sumter County while his father was stationed in Eastern
Europe with the U.S. Army
during World War II. The
family moved to Hale
County in June 1947.
A 1963 graduate of
Greensboro High School,
Joe was active in a number
of school organizations and
received numerous honors
during his school career. Active in sports, he played
football, in which he lettered, as well as basketball
and baseball.
The late Hamner Cobbs
of Greensboro and his son,
Nicholas Hamner Cobbs,
Jr., will be among those
honored April 18-19 in
Birmingham at the 50th anniversary meeting of the Alabama Historical
Association. The elder
Cobbs was an early president of the Alabama Historical Association, providing
leadership to the association
in 1963-1964. His son
served as president in 1993-1994. They are the only father and son to serve as
presidents of the AHA.
The Greensboro Garden
Club was host to the District
IV spring meeting of the
Garden Club of Alabama,
Inc., on Wednesday, March 19.

The meeting was held in
the fellowship hall of the
First United Methodist
Church. Spring flowers in
baskets were used to decorate the tables. Favors for
each person were a caladium bulb in a bunny rabbit
made from a washcloth.
Greensboro Health Care
is pleased to announce that
Dr. William Shane Lee of
Marion is now on the medical staff at the nursing
home. Dr. Lee is a graduate
of Auburn University with a
B.S. in chemistry and received his medical degree
from the University of Alabama School of Medicine in
Birmingham in May of
Snooks Walton was hostess to the Calliope Club at
her home on Tuesday
evening, March 18. The
president, Betty Jo Ferguson, gave the call to order
and welcomed the members
and a guest, Ralph Howard.
A devotional was given by
Mabel York. For the program, Louise Howell introduced Ralph, who gave the
program on “Hale County
Emergency Medical Services.” He stated that Hale
County received its first ambulance in November 1973,
and it was operated on a
volunteer basis for the first
several months.

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