James Bolden

It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Brother James Bolden, 74, of Uniontown.Mr. Bolden entered into eternal transition on Saturday April 16, 2022 in Bessemer, Alabama. He was born Jan. 7, 1948.Visitation will be held on Friday, April 22, 2022, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM at Philip White’s Julie L. White...
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Hale County Hospital’s Hospital Corner

Ways to CelebrateEarth DayThis Friday, April22nd, is Earth Day! Thisholiday was first celebrated in 1970 in order topromote environmentalcauses and bring awareness on how to protect ourplanet. Here are a fewways you can celebrateEarth Day this year:• Drink from areusable water bottle.Over two million tons ofwater bottles end up inU.S. landfills. Using areusable water bottlehelps...
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Jasmine Tremaine Harris

It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Brother Jasmine Tremaine Harris, 40, of Mobile, Alabama a native of Uniontown, Alabama. Jasmine entered into eternal transition on Sunday, April 10, 2022, in Mobile, Alabama.He was born June 2, 1981.Visitation will be held on Friday, April 22, 2022, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM...
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Elizabeth Kay Tidmore Jones

Elizabeth Kay Tidmore Jones, beloved mother, sister, and grandmother, died Tuesday, April 12 at the age of 63.She was born June 10, 1968 to Dorothy Stevens and Thomas Ervin Tidmore, who preceded her in death.Survivors include two daughters, Elizabeth Krystal (Derontae) Smith and Karoline Renea (Devin) Foman, both of Tuscaloosa; a son, John Paul Jones...
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The Voice of the ‘Ville by Rita Lewis

Addie Kipp had her son Allen, and his wife, Naomi and grandson, Jonah, down for Easter.Angela and Mike O’Quinn and boys, Jeremy and Matt, Lita Roulaine, Amanda McCrory, her son, Stetson, Nancy Koski and Tommy Konami, Diana Hughes, and Brady McClelland for lunch.Congratulations to our new HCHS: CHEERLEADERS:Hale Co. High Varsity Cheerleaders ’22-’23: Allaisja Mitchell,...
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Homecoming services at New Prospect are this Sunday

New Prospect BibleChurch’s annual homecoming service will be heldSunday, April 24. The worship service will be held at11:00 a.m., followed by acovered dish dinner. Thechurch is located west ofAkron on Highway 60.Everyone is invited to comeand join in the fellowshipand memories. For more information, contact BillyDrake at 334-624-3533.