HCSD reports six arrests from past week’s activity including theft, DV

Hale County Sheriff’sDepartment has released thefollowing arrest and incident reports from the lastweek: 3-21-22Kami T. High, 29, ofGreensboro was arrested forfailure to appear.Arthur Fields, 21, ofSawyerville was arrestedfor second-degree possession of marijuana.3-23-22Charles WashingtonLyles, 27, of Sawyervillewas arrested for third-degree domestic violence andfailure to appear.Percy Lawson, 33, ofSawyerville was arrestedfor third-degree domesticviolence—reckless endangerment, third-degree dom e s...
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Hale celebrated March as National Nutritional Month

March is National Nutrition Month and Hale Countyresidents have been enjoying the efforts from those atthe Hale County ExtensionOffice to mark the month.On Thursday, March 24,the Hale County ExtensionOffice hosted a drive-thruevent at their facilities. Theevent was in correlationwith their month-long celebration of National NutritionMonth. During the eventExtension Agents and employees shared educationalinformation with participants...
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Council buys new garbage truck, votes to remodel City Hall entrance

After stormy weather lastTuesday night postponed itsregular meeting, Greensboro City Council met lastThursday to approve a financing agreement withBancorp South’s EquipmentFinancing Department allowing the city to purchasea new garbage truck. Thecity’s street and sanitationdepartment has been inneed of a new truck forquite a while, said MayorJohnnie Washington.“I’m glad to know thatwe’ve finally got this,” hesaid....
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MPD charges business owner with spending customer’s refund check

Marion Police Department has filed charges of illegal possession of acredit/debit card and attempting to elude againstthe owner of a local business. The criminal complaint in the case was signedMarch 23 and filed in PerryCounty District Court onTuesday, March 29.In it, MPD’s Capt.Robert Sykes wrote thatMonique McGaughy, whoowns The 334 Connection,“did take, exercise controlover, or...
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Nonprofits serving Hale, Perry, receive almost $500k for home weatherization assistance programs in the Black Belt

The State of Alabamahas given over $200,000 toCommunity Service Programs of West Alabama.Funds will go towards assisting low-income familiesand the elderly with weatherizing their residences.Earlier this week, Governor Kay Ivey awardedgrants in the amount of $2.9million in conjunction withAlabama’s WeatherizationAssistance Program. Theprogram seeks to improvethe safety and efficiency ofhomes, particularly thosebelonging to the elderly,disabled, and...
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SA’s Webb and James tapped for all-state basketball

The Alabama SportsWriters Association AllState Basketball team wasannounced on March 20.The team is selected bythe ASWA prepcommittee following nominations from coaches fromthroughout the state. Thetop 20 players in the stateare chosen into 4 teams as1st team, 2nd team, 3rdteam and honorable mention.This year 2 players fromSouthern Academy werechosen. Sophomore Campbell Webb was chosen as asecond...
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125 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 25, 1897

TRIBUTE OF RESPECT: Whereas, it haspleased Almighty God inhis inscrutable wisdom toremove from this vale oftears our brother, A.B.Drake; therefore be it resolved by this Lodge—1st.That in the loss of our esteemed brother Pythianismhas suffered the loss of amost valiant champion ofall of its most noble tenets,and the members of thislodge have sustained theloss of...
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100 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 30, 1922

Opera House, Friday,Mar. 31: We are pleased toannounced that we have secured a return date on Rupert Hughes sparklingcomedy-drama of marriedlife “Dangerous CurveAhead” with Helen Chadwick and Richard Dix andall star cast. April 6th: Weare pleased to announce thatwe have secured for thepleasure and entertainmentof the patrons of the OperaHouse on Thursday, April 6,Albert Vierras’...
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75 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 27, 1947

Military funeral servicesfor Captain Houel JamesFagan, Infantry, Army of theUnited States, who died onThursday, March 13, at FortBelvoir Regional Hospital,following a brief illness,were held at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday, March 18, at Ft.Meyer Chapel, Ft. Meyer,Va.Besides his wife, Mrs.Gertrude Edgar Fagan, andson, Richard L., both ofLansdale, Pa., CaptainFagan is survived by his father, Albert A. Fagan, Sr....
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50 Years Ago in the Greensboro Watchman March 30, 1972

Tuesday, April 4, will bean important date for Alabama soybean growers tocircle on their calendars. Onthis date, soybean growerswill hold a referendumamong themselves to decidean a one-half cent perbushel check-off program.The funds will be used formarket development, research, educational activities, advertising, and otherpromotional programs forsoybeans and soybean products.Surface drainage ditchesare being constructed on theJudge Green...
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