Home > Obituaries > Tuscaloosa retirement community spotlights Janice Day, formerly of Greensboro

Tuscaloosa retirement community spotlights Janice Day, formerly of Greensboro

Janice Day

Many in Greensboro will remember Janice Day from her decades of running J & J Jewelry, where she greeted customers with a warm smile and a kind word. Now enjoying retirement at Regency Retirement in Tuscaloosa, Janice was recently featured in the community’s newsletter. We are pleased to share her story with our readers. — Ed.

“Resident Spotlight: Janice Day

Janice was born in Hale County to her wonderful parents, Aaron and Lorene Wyatt. She is the second of four children, with two sisters and one brother. Growing up on a farm, she developed a strong work ethic and a love for adventure.

She was married to Joe Day for 28 years and is a proud mother to Robert Daniel Henry, grandmother to Tye Henry, and greatgrandmother to J.D. Henry. Her favorite treats include Kit Kats and Nutella Biscuits.


For 45 years, Janice owned and operated J & J Jewelry in Greensboro, AL, before retiring at age 75. However, her greatest passion has always been traveling. She has visited all 50 states, traveled to Europe 14 times, explored the Caribbean 12 times, and even spent a night in Russia! One of her most cherished memories is receiving a wave from Queen Elizabeth of England.

Now, Janice enjoys her time at Regency, where she continues to share her incredible stories and warm spirit with those around her.

We are so lucky to have Janice as part of our community!”

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