Legal Notice
In the Juvenile Court of Hale County, Alabama in the Matter of DerriannaShakevia Gray, a minor child Case No. Ju-17-068.04Notice of Petition for Termination of Parental RightsTo: Derrick Snead, father ofDerrianna Shakevia GrayYou are hereby given notice that a petition has been filed by the Hale County Department ofHuman Resources requesting your paternal rights be terminated as to Derrianna ShakeviaGray, born January 28, 2013, inDemopolis, Alabama. You are hereby given notice that you are required to file an answer to the Clerk of the Juvenile Court and with the Petitioner’sattorney, Walter A. Griess, PostOffice Box 528, Eutaw, Alabama, 35462 within fourteen(14) days of the date of the last publication of this notice or a default judgment can be entered against you. A final hearing on the said petition can be held within ninety (90) days after the last day of this publication. You have been appointed Robert J. Lee as your attorney in this matter. His office is at 121 Boligee Street, Eutaw, Alabama, 35462. His office number is (205) 372-3223.Catrinna L. Perry,Circuit Clerk9-28-3c