Home > News > Choctaw Chapter D.A.R. will meet Sept. 7 here

Choctaw Chapter D.A.R. will meet Sept. 7 here


The Choctaw Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will have its first meeting of the club year on September 7 at 12:00 PM at the Lakeview Country Club.

The previous business year ended on May 4, 2023, with a Memorial Service honoring eleven of the club’s deceased members. The following ladies were honored: Jane Garner Reese Arrington, Christine Wedgworth Bell, Elizabeth Lamar Haynes, Harriet Anne True Honeycutt, Althea Frances Knight Huber, Harriet Elizabeth Baird Manclark, Doris May Moore, Lutie Jackson Stickney Leisy, Katherine Mahood Rugg, Mary Anna Fowler Williams, and Mary Elizabeth Miller Wright. “Our Choctaw Chapter is so grateful for their dedication to our country, love for their family and friends, and service to our community,” said Caroline Wright Cutler, Regent of the Choctaw Chapter DAR. Family members participated in the Memorial Service with touching contributions. The Choctaw Chapter DAR members presented the families of the deceased members with a white rose and a DAR grave marker. “I appreciate all who participated in this touching, loving ceremony,” Cutler added.

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