Home > Legal Notices > Legal Notices Week of January 26, 2023

Legal Notices Week of January 26, 2023


Legal Notice

Dear Editor, I am writing to thank Greensboro-area residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season. Generosity throughout contributed to a successful shoebox gift collection sea- son at drop-off locations for the Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child. Across the U.S., the project collected over 9.3 million shoebox gifts in 2022. Combined with those collected from partnering countries in 2022, the ministry is now sending nearly 10.6 million shoebox gifts to children worldwide. Through shoeboxes— packed with fun toys, school supplies, and hygiene items—Greensboro -area volunteers brought joy to children in need around the world. Each gift-filled shoe- box is a tangible expression of God’s love, and it is often the first gift these children have ever received. Through the continued generosity of donors since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 209 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in more than 170 countries and territories. This year, Samaritan’s Purse de- livered its milestone 200 millionth shoebox, which was packed on a country-wide tour and then hand-delivered to a young girl in Ukraine. Across Alabama , shoe-box packers often shop for deals on shoebox items throughout the year, and many serve at a deeper level by becoming a year-round volunteer. Information about ways area participants can get involved year-round can also be foundatsamaritanspurse.org/occ or by calling 770-777-9342. Although local drop-off locations for gifts are closed until Nov. 13 – 20, 2023, anyone can still be a part of this life-changing project by conveniently packing a shoebox gift online in just a few simple c l i c k s at samaritanspurse.org/buildonline. These simple gifts, packed with love, send a message to children world- wide that they are loved and not forgotten. Sincerely, Lizette Miller Samaritan’s Purse

Legal Notice

LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Creditors of Estate Of Jewel Webb Broussard Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said Decedent having been granted to the under-signed upon the Estate of said Decedent on December 20, 2022, notice is given that all persons having claims against said Estate shall file same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of Hale County within the time allowed by law, or else same will be forever barred. Charles W. Broussard Jim W. Broussard John W. Broussard Co-Executors Thomas H. Boggs, Jr. Attorney for Estate 1-5-3c.


Legal Notice

Notice to Contractors Federal Aid Project No. ACBRZ60338-ATRP(006) HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Transportation at the office of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, Alabama until 10:00 AM on January 27, 2023 and at that time publicly opened for constructing the Bridge Replacement and Approaches on CR-40 (Greer Creek Road) over Greer Creek and a tributary to Greer Creek. Length 0.211 mi. The total amount of uncompleted work under contract to a contractor must not exceed the amount of his or her qualification certificate. The Entire Project Shall Be Completed In One Hundred Forty (140) Working Days. A 2.00% DBE Contract Obligation Is Required. A Bidding Proposal may be purchased for $5.00. Plans may be purchased for $11.00 per set. Plans and Proposals are available at the Alabama Department of Transportation, 1409 Coliseum Boulevard, Room E-108, Montgomery, AL 36110. Checks should be made payable to the Alabama Department of Transportation. Plans and Proposals will be mailed only upon receipt of re- remittance. No refunds will be made. Minimum wage rates for this project have been pre-determined by the Secretary of Labor and are set forth in the advertised specifications. This project is subject to the contract work hours and Safety Standards Act and its implementing regulations. Cashier’s check or bid bond for 5% of bid (maximum – $50,000.00) made payable to the Alabama Department of Transportation must accompany each bid as evidence of good faith. The bracket range is shown only to provide general financial information to contractors and bonding companies concerning the project’s complexity and size. This Bracket should not be used in preparing a bid, nor will this bracket have any bearing on the decision to award this contract. The Bracket Estimate On This Project Is From $1,169,687 To $1,429,618 . The proposed work shall be performed in conformity with the rules and regulations for carrying out the Federal High- way Act. Plans and Specifications are on file in Room E-108 of the Alabama Department of Transportation at Montgomery, Alabama 36110. In accordance with the rules and regulations of The Ala- bama Department of Transportation, proposals will be issued only to prequalified contractors or their authorized representatives, upon requests that are received before 10 AM., on the day previous to the day of opening of bids. The bidder’s proposal must be submitted on the complete original proposal furnished him or her by the Alabama Department of Transportation. The Alabama Department of Transportation, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000D TO 2000D-4 and Title 49 code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of The Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally- assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. JOHN R. COOPER Transportation Director 1-12-3c.

Legal Notice

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WINDOW REPLACEMENT AT GREENSBORO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOR THE HALE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION GREENSBORO, ALABAMA MCKEE PROJECT NO. 22-308 The sealed proposal as described above shall be received by Mr. Michael C. Ryans, Superintendent at Hale County School System located at 1115 Powers Street, Greensboro, AL 36744; Phone: 334-624-8836, until 2:00 PM Central Time, Thursday, February 16, 2023, then opened and read aloud. General Contractors bidding this project shall be required to visit the site to examine all existing conditions prior to submitting their proposal and shall be arranged by the contractor with the school. All Bidders shall have general liability and workman’s compensation insurance. The project shall be bid excluding taxes. Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the Architect or copies thereof. No bid may be withdrawn after scheduled closing for receipt of bids for a period of ninety (90) days. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technical errors if, in the Owners judgment, the best interests of the Owner will thereby be pro- moted. A certified check or Bid Bond payable to Hale County Board of Education in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000.00 must accompany the bidder’s sealed proposal. Performance and statutory labor and material payment bonds will be required at the signing of the Contract. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must be licensed under the pro- visions of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975, and must show evidence of license before bidding or bid will not be received or considered by the Architect. All bidders shall show such evidence by clearly displaying current license number on the outside of sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered. PDFs of the project can be reviewed by going to the McKee website @ www.mck- eeassoc.com and selecting “Project Bid List”. Also, if you are not receiving NOTIFICA- TIONS from us, please register on our website, “Project Bid List” by selecting manage your bid list profile. The documents may be viewed on-line and printed by General Contrac- tors, Sub – Contractors and Suppliers. Documents pub- lished through this procedure are the only documents en- dorsed by the Architect. The Architect is unable to monitor, confirm and maintain other websites that provide docu- ments. Addendums will be pro- vided to entities that have CONFIRMED bidding for this particular project. The Archi- tect retains ownership and copyrights of the documents. If bidders require printed sets, please submit request to the Architect at mckeeplans@gmail.com. In- clude your first & last name, company name, address, phone number and the project name and number. Print sets are to be returned in reusable condition within ten days after bid open- ing. All RFIs and RFAs regard- ing the bid documents shall be sent and addressed through emails found on the RFI and RFA forms in the project man- ual. NOTE: ONLY THE RFI AND RFA FORMS IN THE PROJECT MANUAL WILL BE ACCEPTED. The Archi- tect will not accept inquiries via telephone or fax. Completion Time: See Scope of Work in Project Man- ual. Supervision: Contractor to ensure proper supervision for all work. Owner: Mr. Michael C. Ryans, Superintendent; Hale County Board of Education; 1115 Powers Street, Greens- boro, AL 36744; Phone: 334- 624-8836 Architect: McKee and As- sociates Architects, Inc., 631 South Hull Street, Mont- gomery, Alabama 36104, Phone: 334-834-9933 1-23-3c.

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