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Legal Notices Week of Mar 28, 2024


Legal Notice

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA CASE NO. CV-24-900012 LOUIS CADDELL, JR., Plaintiff Vs.A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING ½ ACRES IN THE NW ¼ OF THE SW ¼ OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE 5.ANDA TRACT OF LAND LYING AND SITUATED IN THE SW ¼ OF THE NW ¼OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE 5 EAST, HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA Both Tracts in Deed Book A120, page 906, Tax Parcel#36-0209300000005.000AND THE HEIRS AT LAW AND NEXT OF KIN OF EARNEST A. CADDELL and ODEAN MADISON and CAROLYN STEWARTITOTA, individually and ANY CLAIMANTS KNOWN OR UNKNOWN OFANY INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY MADE THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS LITIGATION, Defendants. NOTICE OF CIVIL ACTION Notice is hereby given to any claimants or purported owners of any interest in the above-described real estate. A Civil action is pending in Hale County Circuit Clerk by the Plaintiff to Quiet Title and the Plaintiff of the property generally described as follows: TRACT I: Two and one-half (2 ½) acres more or less in the Northeast corner, South of the now established public road known as the Mills Road, and in the northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section30, Township 23, Range 5.Hale County.TRACT II: The Southwest Quarter (SW¼) of the Northwest Quarter(NW ¼) of Section 30, Township 23, Range 5 East, and containing forty acres, more or less, and being known as the“Jake Place”.LESS & EXCEPT a part of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section30, Township 23 North, Range5 East in Hale County as more specifically described on the deed, and LESS & EXCEPT a parcel situated in the NW corner of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼of said Section 30 in Hale County, containing 1 acre. Deed Reference: Deed Book A120, page 906.Parcel Number: #36-0209300000005.000 Any claimants or purported owners must answer the Complaint seeking relief by the 7th day of May 2024, or thereafter, a Judgment by Default may be rendered against them in this case.Done this 28th day of February, 2024.Catrinna L. PerryHale County Circuit Clerk Run for four (4) consecutive weeks: March 7, 14, 21, & 28, 2024Thomas H. Boggs, Jr.Attorney for the Plaintiff P O Drawer 740 Demopolis, AL 367323-7-4c

Legal Notice

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA STATE OF ALABAMA, ExRel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs.GENEVA WASHINGTON, ET AL., Defendants.CASE NO. 2023-106 NOTICE OF PETITION TO CONDEMN REAL PROPERTY AND FOR AN ORDER OF CONDEMNATION NOTICE TO: Glenn Davis Russell, Lucille Penny Washington, Derrick Landers, Darrell Landers, Raymond Hiskell, Tamara Robinson Washington, Derrick Lyles, Cara B. Lyles and Onassis Robinson, whose whereabouts are unknown, are required to answer the State of Alabama’s petition to condemn real property and other relief within thirty (30) days after the last publication date of this Notice. Said petition seeks to acquire real property to construct public roads and highway facilities necessary and convenient to the public.Done this 8th day of March 2024. Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.Judge of Probate Hale County, Alabama Mark A. Scogin ESPY SCOGIN AND CAIN, P.C.P.O. Box 2786 Tuscaloosa, AL 35403 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Please publish this notice in The Greensboro Watchman for4 consecutive weeks.3-14-4c


Legal Notice

STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF HALE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made under the terms of that certain mortgage executed by Nikki N.Hall, a married woman, on the 3rd day of June, 2021, to Merchants and Farmers Bank of Greene County which said mortgage is recorded in the Probate Office of Hale County,Alabama, in Mortgage Book2021, at Page 419, and by reason of such default, having declared all of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage due and payable, and such default continuing, notice is hereby given that, acting under thepower of sale contained in said mortgage, Merchants and Farmers Bank of Greene County will sell at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder, before the main entrance of the Court house in the City of Greensboro, Hale County,Alabama, at noon or otherwise during the legal hours of saleon April 3, 2024, the following described real estate situated inHale County, Alabama, to-wit:The North Half and the South Half consisting of two lots containing 10.0 acres each, of the following described 20.0 Acre parcel: To reach the point of beginning, commence at a 3inch pipe on the East side of acreek marking the Northeast corner of Section 15, Township20 North, Range 4 East and run South 01 degree 46 minutes 18seconds West along the East boundary of said Section 15 adistance of 711.02 to a ½ inchiron pin capped “HOGGLEPLS #22677” for the point of beginning of parcel of land conveyed hereby; thence continue South 01 degree 41 min-utes 18 seconds West adistance of 1,252.48 feet to a½inch iron pin capped “CA-0175-LS”; then run South 01degrees 57 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 418.09 feetto a½ inch iron pin capped”CA-0175-LS”; thence South02 degrees 08 minutes 33 sec-onds West a distance of 221.53feet to½ inch iron pin capped “HOG-GLE PLS #22677” on the North right-of-way boundary of Hale County Highway 28;thence run North 88 degrees 58minutes 55 seconds West alongsaid right-of-way boundary adistance of 446.15 feet to a ½inch iron pin capped “HOGGLE PLS #22677″; thence run North 01 degree 01 minutes 05seconds East a distance of904.25 feet to a ½ inch iron pincapped ‘HOGGLE PLS#22677”; thence continue North 01 degree 01 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 987.66 feet to a½ inch iron pincapped “HOGGLE PLS#22677”; and thence run South88 degrees 58 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 472.07feet to the point of beginning.All lying and being in Hale County, Alabama.Said parcels are part of the parcel conveyed by deed of Wen-dell’s Fertilizer, Inc. and Terry Wendell to Larry L. Averett, dated October 12, 2017, and appearing of record in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, inDeed Book 2017, at Page 547and contains 20.0 acres, more or less.For informational purposes only the street address for the above-referenced property is believed to be: County Road28 in Hale County, Alabama, which is not a part of the legal description and in the event of any discrepancy the legal description described in this notice shall control. Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging and all fixtures now attached to and used in connection with the premises herein described.Said sale will be subject to the right-of-way easements and restrictions of record in the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama, and will be subject to outstanding property taxes, and existing special assessments, if any, which might adversely affect the title to the subject property.Said property will be sold on an “As Is, Where Is” basis without warranty or recourse, express or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment. Neither the mortgagee nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representatives of the mortgagee makes any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale.Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975)§35-4-271, are expressly disclaimed.Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in the property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process.Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by the above-described mortgage, and the proceeds there of will be applied as provided by the terms of said mortgage. The successful bidder must tender a non-refundable deposit in certified funds made payable to Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds or by wire transfer by 5:00 p.m. the next business day at the Law Office of Reynolds, Reynolds & Lit-tle, LLC at the address indicated below unless prior to said sale Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC has agreed to a later date or closing location.The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate.The failure of any high bidder to pay the purchase price and close this sale shall, at the option of Mortgagee, be cause for rejection of the bid, and if the bid is rejected, Mortgagee shall have the option of making the sale to the next highest bidder who is able, capable and willing to comply with the terms thereof.This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation.THIS IS AN ACTION TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE.Merchants and Farmers Bank of Greene County Mortgagee Ryan R. Hendley, Esq.REYNOLDS, REYNOLDS &LITTLE, LLC Attorneys for Mortgagee 2115 11th StreetPost Office Box 2863 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403-2863 Telephone: 205-391-0073File No. 66.0315 Publication Dates: March 14, 2024; March 21, 2024; March 28, 2024 foreclosure notice 66.03144870-4898-6012 v.13-14-3c

Legal Notice

NOTICE OF OFFICE OF GRANTOR, TRUSTEE and EXECUTOR FOR Existing ESTELLA SIMMONS LIVING ESTATE TRUST Estella Simmons, in sui juris in esse capacity, certify and declare to all persons and men worldwide that I am an egressed Hale County native Alabamian private American national, now ingressed within the nation low republic[Union] country at Alabama state private American, domiciliary origin c/o Rural RouteR 801 20, Box 93, Alabama El-more County of the United States of North America at all times since birth upon the soil foreign to, without, and excluded from Domestic, Territorial, Military, and District of Columbia jurisdictions under the constitution 1776 A.D. Further, I am the living grantor to the office of grantor titled “Estella Simmons Trust”, executed January 25, 2024. Further, notice is given of the establishment of the private irrevocable living trust entitled”Estella Simmons Living Estate Trust” executed on January 25, 2024, with the same status as aforestated by the Grantor’s Office within the meaning at the time of the adoption of the constitution 1776 A.D. the certificate of trust and acceptance of trustee in Elmore County file #: 1234, January 25, 2024, the rights, title and interest executed onTrust Transfer Grant Deeds in-tended for her assigns, deviseesand legatees entitled RF179449215US-00.001 thruRF179449215US-99.999. The trustee accepted his appointment on January 25, 2024, for master trust file RF 179 449215 US. The beneficiary is private and her Status is as follows: She is a private American national whose jurisdiction is the Exclusive Equity Jurisdiction, governed by the Maxims of English and American Equity as at the time of the adoption of the *1789 Constitution for the USA, protected by **Article Ill Sec 2subd.1, heir to the posterity thereof and is administrator for the Estate. “law is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus”…Romans 8:2. Further, Robert Kyle Simmons, an egressed native Tuscaloosa County Alabamian private American, now ingressed within national Alabama [Union] country at domiciliary origin Rural Route R801 20, Box 93, Elmore County still at all times foreign to, without, and excluded from domestic, Territorial, Military, and District of Columbia jurisdictions, am Executor to the foreign Estella Simmons, Estate. All challenges or rebuttals must be sent within 30 days via USPS registered mail, addressed to the Executor’s Office.”3-14-3c

Legal Notice

ADVERTISEMENT FORBID Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissionerc/o State Parks Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Folsom Administrative Building, 64 N.Union Street, Suite 538, Montgomery, AL 36104, until 2:00 PM CST, April 11, 2024. Bids will be opened and read aloud publicly in their conference room on April 12, 2024, at 2:00 PM CST, for A NEW EVENTS PAVILIONFORM. BARNETT LAWLEY FOREVER WILD FIELD TRAIL AREA Scope of Work: The intent and meaning of the Contract Documents are that the Contractor shall provide labour, plant, materials, supplies, equipment, transportation facilities and appurtenances thereto which are indicated or reasonably implied by the Drawings and specifications to provide a complete and functional facility. This Contractor is responsible for their clean up and project security at all affected levels and elsewhere as required and as outlined in detail herein after.The project consists of an approximately 7,000 sf story event building with a completely furnished kitchen. The building is a pre-engineered metal building with metal stud infill, stacked stone masonry veneer, horizontal metal wall panel, new reinforced concrete slab and metal roof. The project also consists of an open-air pavilion with a pre-engineered metal building structure and a metal roof with a stacked stone masonry veneer fireplace.Bid Documents: Bid Documents may be obtained from the Architect by digital access/file sharing access,and/or a deposit of $350.00 per set, which will be refunded in full on the first two (2) sets issued to each bidder submitting a bona fide bid, upon return of documents in good condition and reusable condition within ten (10) days of bid date. Other sets for general contractors, and sets for subcontractors and dealers, may be obtained with the same deposit, which will be refunded as above, less the cost of printing, reproduction, handling, and distribution, which is estimated to be the same as the deposit amount. A partial set will not be available. To expedite the distribution of bid documents, deposit check(s) should be emailed and mailed toJMR+H Architecture, PC, Attn: Renae Williams; 445 Dexter Avenue, Suite 5050, Montgomery, Alabama 36104;specs@jmrha.com.Pre-Bid Meeting: A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on-site at1:00 pm on April 2, 2024. Attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference is highly recommended for all General Contract Bidders intending to submit a Proposal.Submission of Bids: Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the Architect or copies thereof. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for general Contractors must be licensed under the provisions of title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975, and must show evidence of license before bidding or bid will not be received or considered by the architect; the bidder shall show such evidence by clearly displaying his or her current license number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered. Acashier’s check or bid bond is payable to Alabama State Parks in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000, must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Bids submitted prior to the bid opening may be mailed or delivered in person to the office of State Parks at the address stated above. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technical errors if, in the Owner’s judgement, the best interests of the Owner will thereby be promoted.Performance Bond: Performance and Payment Bonds and evidence of insurance required in the bid documents will be required at the signing of the contract.Laws / Ordinances: The Contractor shall observe and comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that would apply to this project.Open Trade: By submitting a bid, proposal, or qualification, the submitter represents that he/ she and the business entity he/she represents are not currently engaged in the boycott of a person or entity based in or doing business with a jurisdiction with whom the State of Alabama can enjoy open trade, as defined in Act 2016-312.Immigration/ E-Verify: In compliance with the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, as a condition for the award of any contract by the state to a business entity or employer that employs one or more employees, the business entity or employer shall provide documentation establishing that the business entity or employer is enrolled in the E- Verify program. The successful bidder will be required to acknowledge the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, pregnancy, national origin, genetic information, veteran status, or disability in its hiring or employment practices nor in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities.General Information: The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. All responses received will be subject to the Alabama Open Records Act, Ala. Code§ 36-12-40, (1975), as amended, and may be subject to public disclosure upon request. If Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations are needed to attend the bid opening or other required meetings or site visits, please contact Dennis Grooms by phone at 334-353-7996 or email Dennis.Grooms@dcnr.al-abama.gov. Requests should be made as soon as possible, but at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meetings or site visits.Force Majeure: In the case of a force Majeure Event as defined herein, DCNR reserves the right to immediately terminate the Agreement without prior notice to Concessionaire.Should this occur, neither Party shall be liable for or be considered in breach of this Agreement due to any failure to perform its obligations as a result of a cause beyond its control, including, without limitation: (i) acts of God; (ii)flood, fire or explosion; (iii)actions, embargoes, quarantines, or blockades in effect on or after the date of this Agreement; (iv) national, state, or regional emergency, whether ongoing or occurring on or after the date of this Agreement; (v) public health emergencies, outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic, whether ongoing occurring on or after the date of this Agreement, including, without limitation, COVID-19; or (vi) any other event which is beyond the reasonable control of such party (each of the foregoing, a “Force MajeureEvent”).This publication is available in alternative formats upon request, and may also be found at:https://www.alapark.com/construction-permits-easement-and-research-applicationsAlabama State Parks DivisionJMR+H Architecture, PC445 Dexter Avenue, Suite 5050 Montgomery, AL 36104 Telephone: (334) 420-5672Fax: (334) 420-56923-21-3c

Legal Notice

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALA-BAMA Case No.: 36-CV-2024-900014.00 DELLA MAE GORDON andBETTY SHEARER WIN-STON-DYER,Plaintiffs,v.A TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND IN THENW ¼ OF SECTION 19, AND THE SW ¼OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA, and THE HEIRS-AT-LAW ANDNEXT-OF-KINOF CLEM SHEARER, and ANY CLAIMANTS, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN OF ANY INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY MADETHE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS LITIGATION, Defendants. NOTICE OF CIVIL ACTION Notice is hereby given to any Claimants or purported owners to any interest in the following described real estate:Forty (40) acres of land, moreor less, described as commencing at a point on the East boundary of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Town-ship 18 North, Range 4 East,thirty-one and a half chains North of the center of said Section 19, the POINT OF BE-GINNING; thence run West forty chains to a point being the Southwest corner of the herein described parcel; thence turn and proceed North tenchains to a point being the Northwest corner of the herein described parcel; thence turnand proceed East forty chainsto a point on the East boundary of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, and the Northeast corner of the herein described parcel; thence turn and proceed South ten chains to the POINT OF BEGINNING and consist-ing of thirty acres in the North-ern part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 and tenacres in the Southern part ofthe Southwest Quarter of Sec-tion 18, all in Township 18North, Range 4 East, Hale County, Alabama. Reference: Hale County Revenue Commissioner Parcel ID#36-24-04-19-0-000-002.000and 36-22-04-18-0-000-010.000.A civil action is pending in Hale County Circuit Court to quiet title to the above-described property in the name of the Plaintiffs. Any claimants or purported owners must answer the Complaint seeking relief by the 13th day of May 2024, or, thereafter, a judgment by default may be rendered against them in Case No. CV-2024-900014.00, Hale County Circuit Court.DONE this, the 13th day of March, 2024.CATRINNA LONG PERRY HALE COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK RUN FOUR (4) CONSECUTIVE WEEKS Woodford W. Dinning, Jr.Attorney for the Plaintiffs LLOYD & DINNING, L.L.C.Post Office Drawer 740 Demopolis, Alabama 367323-21-4c

Legal Notice

Notice to Contractors Debris, Removal, Reduction, and Disposal Following a Declared Disaster Alabama Department of Transportation West Central Region –Tuscaloosa Area Bibb, Chilton, Hale, Perry, Sumter, Tuscaloosa Counties Sealed bids will be received by the Alabama Department of Transportation until 10:00 am on Thursday, April 25, 2024, and at that time publicly opened for a retainer contract for debris removal, reduction, and disposal following a declared disaster, in the West Central Region, Tuscaloosa area. The bid opening will take place at the Alabama Department of Transportation, West Central Region, Tuscaloosa Area Office, Conference Room. Qualified General contractors holding a current Alabama State license are invited to bid. This contract is for the purpose of retaining a qualified General Contractor whose services would be employed in the event of a Tropical storm event or other declared disaster. Copies of the contract documents and specifications may be inspected and/or obtained at the following locations: Alabama Department of Transportation West Central Region –Tuscaloosa Area2715 East Skyland Blvd Tuscaloosa, AL 35405Phone: (205) 554-3240 Digital copies can be found under the “Special Notice to contractors” section athttps://alletting.dot.state.al.us/Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered directly to the owner prior to the bid opening. Such sealed bids must be clearly and legibly marked”Debris Removal, Reduction, and Disposal Following a Declared Disaster – Tuscaloosa Area” on the outside of the envelope. The most qualified, responsive, responsible, and highest-ranked bid will be accepted with key consideration based on the benefit to the public; however, the Alabama Department of Transportation reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any irregularity in the bids received, and to accept or reject any items of the bid for the benefit of the public.No conditional bids will be accepted.No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the scheduled closing date and time for the receipt of bids.John Cooper Transportation Director3-28-3c

Legal Notice

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INVITATION FORBIDS Sealed Bids will be received by the Utilities Board of the city of Greensboro until Thursday Apri1 18, 2024, at10:00 A.M., local time, for the work according to Specifications and Contract Documents on file in the office of the owner, the improvements hereinafter described. No bids will be received after the time set forth herein above, and the bids will be publicly opened and read. The Bid Documents will be opened at The Utilities Board of the City of Greensboro on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 10:00 A.M., 1101 Main Street, Greensboro, Al 36744. If your bid Documents are mailed, they should be received prior to April 18, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. at The Utilities Board of the City of Greensboro, 1101 Main Street, Greensboro, Al36744. The work of providing labour, equipment, and material for the Proposed Greensboro Water System Critical Needs Infrastructure Improvements Project – Contract A2″Greensboro Valve and Hydrant Replacement Project -DWSRF PROJECT NO.FS010340-01.The principal items of work are detailed herein below. Remove and Replace Isolation Valves2. Remove and Replace Hydrants3. Miscellaneous Water Line Installation Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents are open to public inspection at the office of the Owner, The Utilities Board of the City of Greensboro 1101 Main Street, Greensboro, Al36744, or may be obtained from the office of the Engineers, Utility Engineering Consultants, LLC, 130 Southcrest Drive., Suite 100, Homewood, AL 35209 upon deposit of $ 75.00 per set, the actual cost of printing, reproducing, handling and distribution for each set of documents.No refunds will be made except to Prime Contractor Bidders, which shall be refunded for one bid set. The successful bidder must furnish a Performance Bondfor one hundred (100%) of the bid amount and a Payment Bond for one hundred (100%) per cent of the bid amount and must secure his bond from a bonding company’s representative or agent in the State of Alabama.No bid may be withdrawn after the time for opening bids has passed. The Owner reserves the right to hold the bids for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of receiving the Bids. The Contractor is hereby advised that TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE on this project and that the contract time of 45 consecutive calendar days total and noted restrictions shall be strictly observed. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES WILL BE ASSESSED IF CONTRACT TIME IS EXCEEDED. The Contractor may apply for an extension of time in accordance with the provisions of the contract; however, such an extension must be approved prior to the contract completion date to avoid the imposition of liquidated damages. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in any bid, and to accept any bid considered advantageous to the Owner. The contractor shall note that funds for this project are provided through CWSRF (Clean Water State Revolving Funds). All Applicable Federal Guidelines must be met. There will not be a Pre-Bid meeting. Utility Engineering Consultants, LLC. 130 Southcrest Drive, Suite 100Homewood, Alabama 35209Phone: (205) 951-3838 * Fax:(205) 951-3839Website: uecllc.com3-28-1c

Legal Notice

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA STATE OF ALABAMA, ExRel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs.MARY SUSAN JONES, ETAL., Defendants.CASE NO. 2024-022NOTICE TO UNKNOWN PARTIES AND NON-RESIDENTS This day came to the State of Alabama by its attorney, Mark A.Scogin, and filed its Petition in writing under oath for the condemnation of certain lands described below in Exhibit A as shown on the right-of-way map of the State of Alabama Department of Transportation as Project No. RAED-068-000-160, West Alabama High-way from North Linden to Moundville, Hale County, Alabama recorded in the Office of the Probate Judge of Hale County, Alabama, on behalf ofthe State of Alabama for public road purposes; said lands being owned by Mary Susan Jones, Clementine Jones,Martha W. Jones, Earlene Jones, Robert L. Jones, Calvin Lee Jones, Harry A. Jones,Tom Arthur Jones, Gamartha Jones, Catherine Jones, Jaqueline Jones Brown, Linda Faye Benison Anderson, Carrie Battle, Bettie Isabella Benison,Catherine Benison, Issac Bell,Robert Webb, Rosie Cohen,Kissie Johnson, Emma Webster, Angela Armstead, Carla Edwards, Lisa Ware, SarahLong, Willie J. Long, Jr., Carol Long, Rene Long, George Logan, Nathan Logan, Jr, Nannette Logan, Joe Logan, Jr,Tameka Logan, Lisa Logan,James Logan, Jr., Lucy Trem-ble, Beatrice Logan, Susie Davis, Iola Davis, Mary Bryant, Blossie Williams, Beu-lah Brown, Darlene Tabb,Dorothy Wilson, Alma Gooden, Robert Tabb, III, Bettie Jo Davis, Walter E. Brown,Mitchell Sharper, Brunette Sharper, James Arthur Lewis,William Green, David Green,Ruth Green Lloyd, Elnora Bailey, Mary A. Green, Lamont Green, Sr., John L. Green, Jr.,James Peter Hanks, Aaron Banks, Janet Marie Rainer,Sabrina Kim Rainer, KemmonL. Hayes, Shanda D. Hayes, Don L. Wallace, Donald Rainer, Sr., Elwyn R. Rainer, Sr., Frances Jones, Clorinda Mitchell, Elnora Willis, Arthur Willis, Jr., Aaron Willis, Johnetta H. Hardy Lee, Bonita Benison, Eric Benison, Arturo Benison, Bertha Benison, Aaron Benison, III, Jerry Marie Benison, Aleicia White, Elijah Benison, Stacey Mack, Christopher Benison, Monroe Richardson, Juanita Benison James, Rebecca William, Clifford Benison, Nathan Benison, Elizabeth Benison Powell, Bobbie Jean Benison, NellieM. Benison Biggs, and Ficti-tious Parties A though Z, beingany persons or entities, unknown others, heirs at law anddevisees, Heirs of Daniel W.Rainer, Jr., Heirs of George W.Rainer, Heirs of Aaron W.Rainer, Heirs of Arthur Rainer,Sr., Heirs of Daniel W. Rainer,Sr., Heirs of Elizabeth C.Rainer, Heirs of Isabella Rainer Benison, Heirs of Jimmie Benison, Heirs of Mary Susan Benison, Heirs of Elisa Jones, Heirs of Ned Jones,Heirs of Ida M. Jones, Heirs of George Benison, Heirs of Bertha Jones Benison, Heirs of Henry Benison, Heirs of Beatrice Benison Bell, Heirs of Henry Benison, Jr., Heirs of William Benison, Heirs ofOzzie Lee Benison, Heirs of Edward Benison, Heirs of Mildred Culpepper Benison, Heirs of Emma Harris, Heirs of Willie J. Long, Heirs of Bettie Tabb Rainer, Heirs of Katie Tabb Logan, Heirs of Joe Logan, Sr., Heirs of Minnie Tabb Grice, Heirs of Stanley Davis, Heirs of Gilbert Tabb,Heirs of Robert Tabb, Jr., Heirsof Leander Tabb, Heirs of Beatrice Tabb Brown, Heirs of Ruth Brown, Heirs of Limus Brown, Heirs of Altha Rainer Reed, Heirs of James H. Reed,Heirs of Edward Sharper, Heirsof Eliza Jennings, Heirs of Frank Sharper, Heirs of Rena Sharper Lewis, Heirs of James H. Reed, Jr., Heirs of Carrie Rainer, Heirs of Mary Rainer Nollie, Heirs of Willie Anna Taylor, Heirs of Aaron Benison, Heirs of Agnes Davis Rainer, Heirs of Elnora Rainer,Heirs of Georgiana Rainer Green, Heirs of Paul Green,Heirs of Geneva Green Daniels, Heirs of Paulette Green, Heirs of Henry Rainer,Sr., Heirs of Annie Mae Sledge Rainer, Heirs of Elnora Rainer Simons, Heirs of Lillie Mae Rainer, Heirs of Elijah Hanks,Heirs of Annie Mae Banks,Heirs of Aaron Banks, Jr.,Heirs of Henry Dock Rainer,Jr., Heirs of Bridget Gant Rainer, Heirs of Janet Merier Wallace, Heirs of Joseph J.Robinson, Heirs of Lamont Rainer, Heirs of Dan Rainer,Heirs of Lillie Mae Rainer Cannon, Heirs of Rachel Rainer, Heirs of Daisey Rainer,Heirs of Aaron Rainer, Heirs of Charles Edward Rainer, Heirsof Elizabeth Rainer Harris,Heirs of Arthur Rainer, Jr,Heirs of Elmira Rainer Willis,Heirs of Arthur Willis, Heirs of Rosie Nell Horton, Heirs of Elizabeth Rainer Boykin, Heirsof Frank Boykin, Heirs of Eliza Boykin Hardy, Heirs of John Wesley Hardy, Heirs of Wanda Faye Hardy, Heirs of Nancy Rainer Dixon Hunter,Heirs of Dora Rainer Benison Holly, Heirs of Aaron Benison,Heirs of Cressie Evans Benison, Heirs of Wilson Benison,Heirs of Aaron Benison, Jr.,Heirs of Emma P. Benison,Heirs of Willie Lee Benison,Heirs of Edward Green, Heirsof Willie Ann Benison, Heirsof Roy Benison, Heirs of Melvin Warren Benison, Heirsof Viola Benison, Heirs of Nathan L. Benison, Heirs of Cleosis Benison, Heirs ofGeorge Benison, Heirs ofMary V. Benison William,Heirs of Gary Benison, allother unknown persons owning or having an interest orclaiming in this cause, claim-ing any right, title or interest inand to the property describedin Plaintiff’s petition, and Honorable Andretta Skipper, as Tax Collector for Hale County, Alabama, and praying that a day be set for the hearing, an Order be made appointing three (3)commissioners to assess the damages and compensations that the owners of said land may be entitled for taking of said land and for the injury, if any, to the remaining lands lying contiguous to said real estate sought to be condemned.It is therefore ORDERED BY THE COURT that the 10th day of June 2024, at 9:00 A.M. beset as a day for the hearing of said Petition and the proof to be submitted in support of same.Further, it is ORDERED by the Court that notice of the filing of said Petition and of the date set for the hearing thereof is hereby given by publication once a week for four (4) successive weeks in The Greensboro Watchman, a newspaper published in Hale County, Alabama, and at this hearing Respondents or any other persons, firms, association and/or corporations that may own an interest in or the right to possession of said land to be condemned in this cause may appear and contest the same if they deem proper, and notice is further given to the parties who are nonresidents of the state of Alabama.ORDERED, this is the 25th day of March, 2024.Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.Judge of Probate in and for Hale County, AlabamaEXHIBIT AA part of the NE 1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 33, Township19-N, Range 4-E, identified as Tract No. 521 on Project No.RAED-068-000-160 in Hale County, Alabama and is more fully described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of the NE quarter of the NE quarter of Section 33, Township 19 North, Range 4 East; thence East and along the South quarter section line a distance of 1109 feet, more or less, to a point on the acquiredR/W line (said line offset150.00 feet LT and parallel with the centerline of the project), which is the point of BEGINNING; thence N 0º41’39” E and along the acquired R/W line a distance of 235.01 feet to a point on the grantor’s North property line; thence S 89º54’29” E and along the grantor’s said property line a distance of 155.20 feet to a point on the West present R/W line of AL-69; thence S 0º40’11” W and along the said present R/W line a distance of 235.01 feet to a point on the grantor’s South property line; thence N 89º54’29” W andalong the grantor’s said property line a distance of 155.30 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 0.84acre, more or less.3-28-4c

Legal Notice

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA STATE OF ALABAMA, ExRel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs.HENRY CABIL, ET AL., Defendants.CASE NO. 2024-023 NOTICE TO UNKNOWN PARTIES AND NON-RESIDENTS This day came the State of Alabama by its attorney, Mark A.Scogin, and filed its Petition in writing under oath for the condemnation of certain lands described below in Exhibit A as shown on the right-of-way map of the State of Alabama Department of Transportation as Project No. RAED-068-000-160, West Alabama High-way from North Linden to Moundville, Hale County, Alabama recorded in the Office of the Probate Judge of HaleCounty, Alabama, on behalf of the State of Alabama for public road purposes; said lands being owned by HENRYCABIL, ANGELA CABIL, ANDRETTA SKIPPER, AS TAX COLLECTOR FOR HALE COUNTY, ALABAMA, and fictitious partiesA through Z, being the heirs, devisees or successors of William JONES, deceased, and all persons or entities claiming any title to or interest in the property described in this petition, and praying that a day be set for the hearing, an order be made appointing three (3) commissioners to assess the damages and compensations that the owners of said land may be entitled for taking of said land and for the injury, if any, to the remaining lands lying contiguous to said real estate sought to be condemned. It is therefore ORDERED BY THE COURT that the 10th day of June 2024, at 9:00 A.M. beset as a day for the hearing of said Petition and the proof to be submitted in support of same. Further, it is ORDERED by the Court that notice of the filing of said Petition and of the date set for the hearing thereof is hereby given by publication once a week for four (4) successive weeks in The Greens-boro Watchman, a newspaper published in Hale County, Alabama, and at this hearing Respondents or any other persons, firms, association and/or corporations that may own an interest in or the right to possession of said land to be condemned in this cause may appear and contest the same if they deem proper, and notice is further given to the parties who are nonresidents of the state of Alabama.ORDERED, this is the 25th day of March, 2024. Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.Judge of Probate in and forHale County, Alabama EXHIBIT AA part of SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of section 09; and, SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 10, Town-ship 18-N, Range 4-E, identified as Tract No. 502 onProject No. RAED-068- 000-160 in Hale County, Alabama and being more fully describedas follows:Parcel 1 of 1:Commencing at the SW corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ ofSection 9, Township 18-N,Range 4-E;thence easterly and along thequarter section line a distanceof 1,019 feet, more or less, toa point on the acquired R/Wline (said line offset 130′ LTand parallel with centerline ofproject);thence northeasterly and along the acquired R/W line a dis-tance of 139 feet, more or less,to a point on the acquired R/Wline (said point also on thegrantor’s south property line),which is the point of BEGIN-NING;thence N 16°56’34” E andalong the acquired R/W line adistance of 305.44 feet to apoint on the grantor’s northproperty line;thence N 48°19’53” E andalong the grantor’s said property line a distance of 257.23feet to a point on the present west R/W line of AL-69;thence S 17°0’13” W and alongsaid present R/W line a dis-tance of 484.68 feet to a pointon the grantor’s south property line;thence N 89°52’41” W and along the grantor’s said property line a distance of 139.43feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 1.21acres, more or less.3-28-4c

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