Home > News > WSCS annual bazaar at Gboro Methodist will be Friday, Nov. 17

WSCS annual bazaar at Gboro Methodist will be Friday, Nov. 17


Don’t miss the WSCS Annual Bazaar at Greensboro First Methodist Church this Friday, November 17, beginning at 7:00 a.m. Join us for sausage biscuits, coffee, and juice. As always, we will have a variety of baked goods, jellies, soups, and frozen casseroles to help you prepare for the holidays.

Quilt chances are $1.00 each. The quilt this year will be a 56” x 60” throw quilt with colorful birds and diamond shapes on a white background. See Odette Yeager for tickets. For lunch, we will be serving barbecue, beans, slaw, and dessert. Tickets are $12 per plate. See a Methodist Women’s Society member for your tickets or pick up tickets as you shop.

Crafts and other local art items will also be raffled off during the bazaar. You can win items such as a Christmas decoration that will be installed on your mailbox, yard or porch art, beautiful hand-made smocked children’s clothing, and handmade earrings as well as some donated by the Partridge Berry. Whether you are looking for Christmas decorations or gifts for friends and family, you will find special and unique items to choose from. Come early for the best selection.

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