Home > News > Webb, Hamilton spoke August 15 at Magnolia Homemakers and Community Leaders meeting

Webb, Hamilton spoke August 15 at Magnolia Homemakers and Community Leaders meeting


Above Daphne Grantham and Lynn Pearson with scarecrow door hanger craft projects.

Magnolia Homemakers and Community Leaders met on August 15 at Hale County Extension auditorium. Nancy Jennings, president, presided. Hostesses were Barbara Kelly and Mary Kate Bell.

The program was planned by Barbara Kelly who arranged for Ada Webb and Shalong Hamilton who shared issues facing Greensboro and Hale County such as shortage of housing, lack of upkeep in some neighborhoods, increase in homeless youth, barriers to obtaining ID in order to obtain a job, and recent rise of COVID 19.

Cultural arts entries for the state meeting were due at the August 15 meeting. The craft project for August was a scarecrow door hanger.


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