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Hospital Corner


When is it appropriate and necessary for you to be taking antibiotics?

When your physician prescribes you an antibiotic treatment, it is critical that you complete the treatment fully and you do not save them for another time or share them with anyone. Antibiotics are only needed for treating certain infections that are caused by bacteria. Some examples of a bacterial infection in which antibiotics are life-saving are pneumonia and sepsis.

When is it NOT necessary for you to be treated with antibiotics?

Antibiotic treatment does not work on viral infections. Some common examples include colds, flu, bronchitis, or runny noses. Sometimes, they also might not help every bacterial infection such as bronchitis, sinus infections or some ear infections.


What is Antibiotic Resistance and what does it mean for me?

Antibiotic resistance does not mean your immune system is becoming resistant to antibiotics. Rather, it means the bacteria are developing the ability to defeat the antibiotics you need to take that are designed to kill them. Keep in mind, this does not mean antibiotics are bad for you or that you should avoid them. Instead, it is important to understand when antibiotics will be most useful for you as a treatment.

Any Questions?

Contact your Primary Care Provider or set up an appointment with our Top Care nursing and physician staff at the Greensboro or Moundville Clinics.

Greensboro Clinic: (334) 624 – 4442
Moundville Clinic: (205) 371 – 4444

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